Fight Night 104: Korean Zombie Returns to the Octagon
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Fight Night 104: Korean Zombie Returns to the Octagon

After a temporary three year leave, Jung makes his comback

Fight Night 104: Korean Zombie Returns to the Octagon

After two years, Korean Zombie 'Chan Sung Jung' made a dramatic return to the UFC. Jung was enlisted into the Korean Military Service for three years, which postponed his time in the Octagon. Surprisingly, he was the underdog in comparison to his opponent Dennis Bermudez.

Despite the prediction of Jung losing, he knocked out his opponent in typical style, showing that nothing has changed for the fighter and he was more than ready for his return. Jung finished Bermudez with a right upper-cut after he was struck with a jab that made him buckle earlier on.

In an interview, the featherweight fighter expressed his feelings on the match and his win. "It definitely felt different than sparring," said 'The Korean Zombie' following his return win. "It was completely different doing the real thing in the Octagon". In that same interview, Jung also dedicated his fight to his homeland, saying that he wishes for harmony and peace.

Before his temporary departure Jung was a force to be reckoned with in the MMA world. His record of 14-4 shows his precision and his striking ability. His fight history includes his striking to be at 72 percent in comparison to his 18 percent in submissions and 10 percent in takedowns. His aggressive standup proving to be one of the best, was no match for Bermudez.

His return is sure to spark up more eventual boughts and he will continue to bring in more traction to the UFC/MMA world. The other events on Fight Night 104 included two women's matches. Alexa Grasso and Felice Herrig. Herrig winning the match by decision, called out Paige Vanzant for her next brawl. Fight of the night pinned Jessica Andrade and Angela Hill against one another for a three rounder. Andrade winning by decision.

The other fights on the card included Abell Trujillo versus James Vick; Vic winning by submission. Popular fighter Ovince Saint Preux (OSP) faced off with Volkan Oezdemir and went all three rounds, ending with Oezdemir winner by decision. Anthony Hamilton versus Marcel Fortuna ended in TKO/KO from Fortuna in round one, making the fights very quick, yet precise.

The next UFC event, 208, is set for Saturday, February 11 with headliner Holly Holm versus Germaine de Randamie.

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