I never realized it was possible to be emotionally attached to a building. That was until I started walking out of Turner Field after the last Braves game ever played there. I started to recount the memories that I had at the field, and some of the memories over the past couple of years that really stuck out in my head. In honor of the end of the Turner Field era, here is my favorite and least favorite memories I have had at the Ted.
Most Favorite Memory:
One of my favorite memories of Turner Field involves Brooks Conrad. Now I know what you’re thinking: Why him? Usually Braves fans cringe at the sound of his name because of his consistency to make errors in the playoffs. However, not this time. On a hot Sunday afternoon in 2010, the Braves were down 9-3 going into the bottom of the 9th inning. However, the Braves scored three runs, and then Brooks Conrad came into pinch hit. Here is what happened:
In one of the most emotional years in the history that marked the end of Booby Cox and Chipper Jones’ career, that had to be one of my most favorite moments at the Ted ever.
Least Favorite Memory:
It’s hard to think of a time in my years of a Braves Fan that I absolutely hated. Except for this moment. It was one of the few years that I felt like we had a chance to actually do something in the playoffs, but to have an entire season wiped out by a bad call greatly upset me.
I remember watching this game and thinking that it could be a microcosm of the entire season. We weren’t the best team in the league, but somehow, we figured out how to win even when were down. Our comeback started and ended with this single play.
Error with the bases loaded, or an infield fly? You be the judge.
Although the Braves’ tenure at the Ted may be over, I am looking forward to many hopefully exciting years at SunTrust Park.