The Emotional Process of Reuniting With Your Bestie | The Odyssey Online
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The Emotional Process of Reuniting With Your Bestie

The Emotional Process of Reuniting With Your Bestie

Not everyone is lucky enough to have their best friend go to the same college as them. Some of the very unlucky ones, such as myself, are not even in the same state as their bestie! Now I have never been in a long distance relationship, but I am pretty positive that going months on end without physically seeing my BFF has to be WAY worse than any long distance relationship could ever be.

Despite all the ugly Snapchats, three-hour-long phone calls, and constant texting, you still miss them to no end. The range of emotion you feel when seeing them months later can only be described as follows:

1) Anxious: Anticipating the reunion is always the worst/best. Half of you is so pumped and the other half is spent wondering how you will even be able to make it through the agony of a full school week!

2) Pure Joy: The day has finally arrived! You've spent the last hour staring at your phone waiting for the text that finally says that she is outside. (Of course you expected her to be late, that girl can never be on time!) As you run and jump in an uncoordinated fashion into one another's arms it seems so much more like a football tackle than a hug.

3) Love: From there you go straight to complimenting each other. You have not seen each other in four months, yet you act as if each other has completely changed since the last time you were together. You complement each other's hair, nails, and style over and over. You also discuss how cute all of their Instagram posts have been, and how you want to know the 411 on their entire life. Even though you are already completely up to date, you need to hear EVERYTHING again in person!

4) Reflecting: After filling each other in on every thought, idea, and action you've ever had over the course of the past four months -- yes, I totally wanted to know that you've been eating a lot more Subway recently -- you decide it's time to commemorate your reunion. And what better way than by taking 100+ photos with one another?! Ugh, the one where you are both laughing so hard, you created 6 chins among the two of you -- it's a keeper!

5) Beyond Sad: After a glorious break from school, you have to eventually leave your best friend to go back to your normal life without her near. Saying goodbye to your BFF is worse than passing by puppies for sale. Okay, maybe I lied; not being able to take home all the homeless puppies probably takes the cake, but this comes in at a very close second. You know the semester is almost over and summer will be here soon, but life is just so hard when she is not around.

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