12 Ways To Combat Boredom While You're Social Distancing
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12 Ways To Combat Boredom While You're Social Distancing

If you're going stir-crazy spending countless hours at home, here are some ways to keep your boredom at bay.

12 Ways To Combat Boredom While You're Social Distancing

From baking a cake to listening to podcasts, these are twelve of the best ways to stay creative and active during the COVID-19 outbreak.

​​1. Get A Disney Plus Membership

If you haven't gotten that one week free trial yet, enjoy seven days of pure Disney magic. And even if you have used the free trial, it is only seven dollars a month, and totally worth it. The app includes movies and shows from Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, and National Geographic. There are hundreds of movies and shows, which is a great time filler during self-quarantine. You can marathon every Marvel movie, or you can watch every episode of Hannah Montana.

2. Spring Cleaning

Even though spring hasn't started yet, now is the perfect time to begin your spring cleaning. While a deep cleaning of your space is not only a great way to keep yourself safe from COVID-19, it's also a time consuming project that will keep you from getting bored.

3. Try Baking or Cooking Something New

You know that really yummy-looking cake recipe you found while surfing through Pinterest? Well, pull out your apron and your favorite cake mix because it's a great time to try that recipe out. Even if your edible creation turns out poorly, you're still filling the time with something creative and fun to do.

4. Listen To A Podcast

While listening to someone else talk may sound boring, podcasts can be really interesting, funny, and motivational. There are many different types of podcasts: political, educational, sports related, beauty and health, and comedy. My personal favorites are "Manifestation Babe" and "Anna Faris is Unqualified".

5. Read A Book

At times, the world around us can be scary and overwhelming, so getting lost in a book is very comforting. While you can not only lose track of time, you also can be immersed in your favorite story and characters. If you've already read everything in your book collection, apps such as Nook and Amazon Kindle have a huge selection of different genres and authors. I've been reading "The Odyssey" by Homer, and "The Power of Habit" by Charles Duhigg.

6. Sweat It Out

Working out may not seem like the most fun option, but it is a great way to fill time and keep yourself healthy. If you're reluctant to go to the gym or track, hop on Pinterest for some at-home workout ideas or get the Nike Training app for quick and intense workouts, as well as yoga sessions.

7. Get Some Fresh Air

Whether you live in an apartment, dorm, or house, make sure to step outside every day and get at least thirty minutes of fresh air. Take some time to sit in your yard, go to the park, or take a walk close to your home. While you're at it, make sure to spend a few minutes in the sunshine. Getting some Vitamin D will not only help you stay healthy, it can also improve your mood.

8. Give Yourself a Manicure or Pedicure

Grab your favorite nail polish and give yourself a mani-pedi. Even if you're not great at painting your own nails, this can still be a fun way to pass the time. If you're looking to get a little bit creative with your manicure or pedicure, there are different YouTube tutorials on how to make designs or ombre colors.

9. Talk To Your Friends and Family

Social distancing is difficult even for those who have family at home. Not being able to spend time with your friends and people that you care about can increase your stress about the spread of COVID-19, so texting and calling is a great way to keep in touch while keeping your distance. Whether you're FaceTiming your mom or your best friend, having a quality conversation with someone you care about can ease any anxiety you may have and keep you from getting extremely bored.

10. Write in a Journal, or Make Some Art

If the best drawing you can make is a stick figure, take some time to write in your journal, or start a journal. You can do a "brain dump", and write down all of your thoughts, ideas, feelings, and concerns. You can also write a story, poetry, or a reflection on your day. If you're artistically gifted and have some art supplies lying around, try drawing or painting something you haven't before. This is a good way to stay occupied while doing something creative and interesting.

11. Practice Some Self-Care

In a time where illness is spreading, it is extremely important to keep yourself as healthy as possible. By practicing self-care, you will feel good mentally and physically. Try meditating, starting a new beauty routine, or decorating your space.

12. Learn Something New

It's easy to fall into a slump during self-quarantine, but learning about a new topic or going in-depth into something you're interested in is both educational and entertaining. Listening to a Ted Talk, reading a book, watching a documentary, or researching online are great ways to learn new things.

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