We all thought that mass producing animals for food was a good idea. Lately, it is looking like a practice of the past. Calling all innovative thinkers for the health of the nation, the environment, and the economy. It is up to us to make some sustainable changes.
Exchange the lawn for groceries. Now that the weather is permitting, it's time to plant our gardens. It is pretty crazy how pricy some herbs and fruits can be, considering that they can grow like the weeds in our front yards. Kale, strawberries, potatoes, tomatoes, basil, mint. in the store they come with a price tag, but we can enjoy them in abundance by flexing our green thumbs.
Eat the feed. I have learned a lot about the incredibly high protein and economical Animal feed that is being manufactured and researched. Why not feed this incredible low cost feed to the hungry children in the streets of Chicago? Good question.
Cow farts = Greenhouse Gas: Think we're doing a good deed by recycling or biking to save gas? According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations magazine, animal agriculture is responsible for more greenhouse gas emissions than the combined exhaust from all transportation. Time to say hello to meatless Mondays.
Break The Bank: Whoever thought rice and beans were too expensive probably never bought a carton of milk, a package of cheese, or a decent cut of meat. The rice, beans, and corn could be even cheaper if a huge portion of it wasn't being used to feed the animals we eat.
Space, not rocket science. The amount of space that the mass production of animals takes up is pretty mind blowing. The United Nations Organization states that 26% of the Earth's terrestrial surface is occupied by grazing animals that we eat. Also, all of the dairy farms for milk and cheese, as well as beef cattle and our favorite, morning bacon, they all contribute to the serious hit on our environment and economy. This space could be used to grow more crops, or to house wildlife.
Heart Attack. Heart disease is the #1 killer in America, and it's easily prevented with lifestyle modification. Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has successfully reversed heart disease solely with a plant based diet. According to United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans do not eat enough fruits and vegetables. According to the CDC, only 32% of Americans eat at least 2 fruits in a day, and only 26% of Americans ate at least 3 vegetables in a day. By adding more colorful goodies to your plate, you will be preventing disease, and saving the planet! Crazy!
These days, there are so many fabulous meat and dairy alternatives. It is fun to find new foods, to try and other options in the plant kingdom. The little choices we make can save the world. Let's go, superheroes!