Don't Lose Patience
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Don't Lose Patience

How to become more patient.

Don't Lose Patience
Ezgi Ulger

Nowadays when people tell me that I’m easy going, (which doesn’t happen often) I calmly thank them. I become instantly gratified. After all, they haven’t been able to decipher that my straight face and monotone voice during a pressing situation actually indicates that my insides are boiling and causing me to emit heat. I am not a patient person.

For any relatable reader who gets road rage when drivers stop at yellow lights or when friends gather in a crowded hallway, I feel a lot of empathy for you. Society truly has the wonderful ability to offer countless road bumps to throw us off of our daily course. Below, I have listed ways in which you can test your patience and possibly become more patient. Who knows, after attempting to endure through some of these examples you may save some time as others spend money trying to hide their gray hairs.

For the common reader who is convinced that they can be composed in midst of any tense circumstance, I challenge you to test your patience with a few of the examples below. You may find that these small tasks are more daring than they seem.

Drive the minimum speed limit (no passing others).

I cannot be the only driver who laughs at the minimum speed limit listed on highways. Heck, I sometimes laugh at the actual speed limit! Obviously the minimum speed limit is only a mere suggestion, but why not take advantage of this incredible opportunity? Other cars may furiously pass you, but that just gives you multiple opportunities to (do not flick them off) genuinely wave to them and wish them well as they rush off to start their vigorous day.

Pay in exact change (don’t go through the self-checkout).

Stock up with some coins, and flash your coin purse with pride! It may feel like the customer behind you is breathing on your neck as they restlessly wait for you AND the cashier to count your money, but (another amazing opportunity) why not strike up a friendly conversation with your fellow shopping buddy? You have so much time (if you pay in all pennies) to make a new friend, make their day, or ask them how their day is going.

Reply to heated texts after you cool down.

OK this is just a smart thing to do. There is no need to be dramatic. Your heart may pounding after you receive a scandalous text from your best friend confessing that she doesn’t actually enjoy listening to Beyoncé. Just give it some time. Be patient. Perhaps even sleep on it. Soon, time will bring you to realize that Beyoncé is still queen regardless of other’s perceptions, and you can still be friends with others despite their beliefs.

Cook everything in the oven.

Skip the mighty microwave. Things taste better cooked slower. Right? To some, this may be similar to watching grass grow. I assure you that this task will demand a lot of patience, so sit back and relax. Pop some popcorn (in the oven), turn your oven light on, and enjoy watching your food transform into some crisp, golden goodness. Enjoy your show.

Eat out at a busy restaurant.

Instead of turning your back and settling for your second choice restaurant say, “heck yeah!” to the long wait time that the host hesitantly offers. Your stomach may be growling and making nasty noises, but this does not give you the freedom to outwardly display your inner monster.

Don’t refresh the page on the buffering video.

Don’t believe the endless amount of headlines that claim that “Technology is ruining our world!" Well, try waiting out a horrifically long buffering video, and you might just change your mind.

Finish that long, extensive book.

Although learning about how to make pillows or how to clean soil is actually a purposeful societal attribute, in lieu of the latest meaningless obsessions, I have no aching desire to read an entire book about these topics (shoutout to you if you do though). This might help put me to sleep on nights that I can’t fall asleep, but to legitimately read these extensive books from cover to cover seems like a daunting task. Keep your head up, (and eyes open) you may even find a new passion!

To end, although these examples may seem silly I hope they pinpoint that patience is a constant battle between realizing that some things are worth waiting and understanding that there is a limit to being self-oriented. A typical day may introduce multiple frustrating situations, but perhaps it is because we are too caught up in the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives? Maybe the person in your way that is driving below the speed limit (on a 1 way street) is just enjoying their morning car ride to work, and you tailgating behind them is placing you in their way of truly living in the moment.

With patience there comes a lot of other qualities. I see a lot of value in being patient. After all, there are about 7.6 billion people on this planet, and if you become irritated after a tiny human interaction the world will be a constant battle field for you.

Patience is hard but so worth it!

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