Dear room 2108,
As we pack up our room this week, I can't help but reminisce on this little place. Your memories are taped to the walls with pictures galore of our friends and family. Friends from the past, but also sweet friends that we met this first year at school. Room 2108 you will be dearly missed. You have taught me patience. You have taught me relationships. You have taught me how to grow. You have taught me how to fit my immense amount of clothing into itty bitty places. This place was my first home away from home. From late nights watching tons of movies, to early mornings getting ready for class, dance parties, Bachelor nights, and plenty of homesick tears ,you have been where I went to. Dorm life is not all cupcakes and rainbows, the dirty showers and walking down the hallway to go to the bathroom is no fun and will in no way be missed. In a dorm, you're living with about 80 girls on a hallway and that ultimately ends with girls yelling in the middle of the night after coming in from a night out on the town ( or Remerton if you live in Valdosta ) with the high heels and tons of giggles seeping through the paper thin walls. Now that we end the semester, these are not as bad as they seemed when they woke me up countless nights. I won't miss the icy cold air blowing hard through the vents and the treacherous climb to my lofted twin sized bed with no railing. Your little box made me want to pull my hair out. But, man will my freshman dorm be missed. I had pinterested for months on the needs of the dorm and bought the cutest decor. I remember the excitement of the trip down to college with my PT Cruiser packed to the brim with all my belongings shuffling in the trunk down I-75.
I remember the anticipation of moving in with a complete stranger and the worry that came along with it. I finally got there and got my golden key. I remember hugging my roomie for the first time as we walked into Brown Hall, second floor, room 2108. Who knew the amount of memories we would make in that room ? Who knew I would meet one of my very best friends? Who knew that we would be shedding tears packing up our stuff two semesters later? Our room is full of pictures and as I take them off the walls... I am so thankful for you little room. I am so thankful for God's provision as he perfectly placed me with my bestfriend. I am thankful for the late nights talking. I am thankful for the tiny space where memories will be shared forever. I am thankful for the hard times. As we move out, I want to pray for the girls who get room 2108 next semester. There will be times when you hate it literally so much you must go home for any sanity. ( There are two Starbucks 10 minutes away that are great for a break) Your roommate will without a doubt drive you crazy sometimes, but love her. Cherish them. Spend time with them. I was paired with someone I just happened to meet at freshman orientation who ended up being the person who I share everything with. Don't gripe too much about the little place, I promise it will be such a bittersweet moment as you and your roomie pack up your memories in May. I pray you will be safe and comforted by the Lord during this first year at Valdosta. That you will have energy to get up for those 8 am classes. Be brave in all you do, time flies, it really really does. I hope that you will flourish and grow in such a real, tangible way this year. Room 2108, we miss you already. Here we come new apartment and another year making new memories as we continue our college journey.