6 Dating Horror Stories In Honor Of Valentine's Day | The Odyssey Online
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6 Dating Horror Stories In Honor Of Valentine's Day

My friends shared with me some of their worst experiences dating


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Shared stories from some friends of their worst experiences dating:

"Horror" Story #1

"We were on our way to go get brunch with his family at a fancy restaurant. We were both dressed up and I was wearing a white dress. When we got there, I realized I had started my period and there was blood all over the seat of the car. I had no idea what to do so we left and he drove me home. I felt so bad watching him clean up the car seat."

"Horror" Story #2

"I was asleep in my bed when I woke up to a phone call from one of my friends. She was super drunk and kept going on and on about how much she liked me. At some point, she asked me out on a date but I was half asleep and I said yes. I didn't realize until the next day what I agreed to, but I still picked her up and we went out. She wanted to watch a play together and it was a super depressing play on racism in the 60s. It wasn't horrible but it was definitely a strange situation."

"Horror" Story #3

"We met online and decided to meet up. He insisted on driving over a HUNDRED miles to see me and we ended up eating at a crappy restaurant. We didn't end up liking each other but at least I got free food."

"Horror" Story #4

"On Valentine's day, he went all out and bought me flowers, chocolate, the works. It was super cute because he was never the type to do that and I was so surprised. The next week I found out he had cheated on me."

"Horror" Story #5

"I went on a date with a guy who insisted on eating at his favorite restaurant. We were talking and things were kind of boring but nothing horrible. However, I noticed that he ordered the most expensive meal on the menu. At the end of the meal he said he left his wallet in his car and left to go get it, insisting that he would never do something like that to me and promising he would be right back. I ended up being stuck with the $130 bill and walked out alone."

"Horror" Story #6

"Two of my friends were going on a date together and thought it would be a good idea to make it a double date in which I would invite a girl I was into. I asked her to come and she said yes. What I didn't know was that she thought it wasn't a date, she thought she was coming to just help me third wheel my two friends on their date. It's not a bad date story if there wasn't even a date right?"

Have an even worse date experience? Drop a comment below and share your story!

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2. "Do you want to try ordering Chinese takeout to take back to the stacks?"

3. "This final paper has me questioning if this professor just sucks or is Satan himself."

4. "Is that person over there OK? They've been sleeping for a while."

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8. "Rate My Professor screwed me over."

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10. "I wonder if I could sneak a beer in here."

11. "I just really want chocolate chip cookies."

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