Everything You Should Know Before Dating A Fitness Instructor
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Everything You Should Know Before Dating A Fitness Instructor

Sex, weights, cheat meal dates.


As a fitness trainer, I know how much we love our job. How much we love the people we help and encourage. How much we never want to stop doing what we do. Yet, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. My boyfriend has to put up with some things that probably, kinda sorta are unconventional. But, he's living his dream (his words).

No matter what they teach, personal training, yoga, pilates, barre, HIIT, I could go on and on, but either way, they are passionate about the people they work with. This fire follows them throughout their life and will most definitely influence you.

Constant practicing

Don't be alarmed if you wake up to find her up and about practicing her routines for a class/client.

Gushing about a client who has been killing it 

No matter how much of a tough cookie we are, clients touch our hearts.

She's flexible

You. Are. Welcome. My best friends always introduce me to guys with, "She's really flexible ;)"

There's a routine, stick to it

We may be flexible, but don't come between her and her schedule. She is supported by her routine.

You are now a fitness class guinea pig

She needs you to help her rehearse. Approach her practice tests with enthusiasm and just have fun.

She'll never judge you

Don't ever feel pressured or intimidated. We love you for you. And, news flash, we are not perfect.

Always learning

Learning never ends. Learning new routines, learning new people, learning new emotions, learning new approaches to life.

And always eating

Teaching a few classes a day is tough on the body. We need our snacks. All. The. Time.

Stretches before bed... every night

No matter how tiring and long the day was, she will make sure to fit it a quick bend and no break.

The funny things that happened during class

Story time: One time I taught and my pants ripped. Only made the class more fun!

Shaker bottle vases

There's no need for vases, when shaker bottles do you justice. The first time my boyfriend brought home roses, I didn't have a vase so we improvised and used a shaker bottle. Now, that's the only vase we will ever need.

Free personal training

It's your dream come true. Fitness is at your right hand at all times. Plus, we will be pumped to start talking to you about our passion.

She talks endlessly about how well/not well your class went

Sometimes we kill it and sometimes... we fall a little short.

 Chugging water

We need to stay hydrated! Plus, she'll be your water tracker as she bugs you to drink with her. Shots! Shots! Shots (of water)!

Team work makes the dream work

There is no "I" in team and fitness instructors know the strength of collaboration and support. No one can go through journey a journey alone.

She wakes you up early to go on a run

Let's take a jog to the beach and watch the sunrise!

Protein, protein, and more protein

She doesn't have to be a weight lifter to assure that she nourishing her body with enough protein (from any source you prefer). My cupboard is always stocked with lentils and chickpeas.

Watching her watch fitness videos to get ideas

While you're reading the news, scrolling through Instagram, or just chilling out, she'll be watching workout videos or saving posts from fitness accounts.

Goes to bed super early

We need at least eight hours of beauty sleep and, let's be real, we are grandpas.

 She lives off of Spotify playlists

Wait, do you hear that song? What's it called, I need to add it to my workout playlist. Plus, she loves to sing (even if she isn't that good).

 Pulse 2, 3, 4

While she does chores, she'll start reciting her catchphrases and mantras.

 She's your forever cheerleader

Getting out of bed? If you don't squeeze it, no one else will! Washing the dishes? Let's go, you've got this! Running to the bathroom? One more minute! 30 more seconds! Mowing the lawn? You better feel it tomorrow!

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