Dallas to Dallas: A Round-Trip Ticket to the 'Ship | The Odyssey Online
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Dallas to Dallas: A Round-Trip Ticket to the 'Ship


34-31. Those numbers signify a monumental victory and the distinct emotions I felt on January 7th as I celebrated the Seminole win for the 2013 BCS National Championship game.
The city of Tallahassee’s elation after The Florida State University’s football team dominated the Auburn Tigers in Pasadena, California was sheer madness. Traffic came to complete stops down Tennessee street, the War Chant and tomahawk chop were happily performed all night, and mattresses were set on fire in the streets. At that moment, two things were clear: Tallahassians took the saying “burn the town down” a little too literally, and the Seminoles are here to stay. 
With our head honcho, Jimbo Fisher, spearheading the path to a consecutive national championship title, he certainly is the “man of the hour”—or in this case, year. For the past seven years, Southeastern Conference (SEC) teams have dominated, claiming the coveted title of national champion. Everyone knew Fisher was building a machine to dethrone the SEC, which is exactly what he accomplished. This win was FSU’s first National Championship since 1999. Keith Jones, a football player on one of Bobby Bowden’s first teams at FSU from 1978-1980, believes, “FSU football does not need to win another National Championship, but protect against losing it”. His personal experience with FSU football combined with his involvement in the football broadcast team for Sunshine Network television puts his expertise at an all time high. He says, “Unlike the teams taking the field after the championship seasons of 1993 and 1999 with Charlie Ward and Chris Weinke, this 2014 FSU squad has a great chance of repeating as college football’s champs. This is mostly due to the return of Heisman winner Jameis Winston. Ward and Weinke were seniors during the Seminole’s first two victories. The Seminoles had to break in new starting quarterbacks after their departure; such is not the case this year. But complacency is FSU’s biggest foe moving forward. Continuing to strive for excellence and dominance must be their new mantra”.

But the 2013 BCS National Championship means much more than a sparkling crystal football. It is a symbolization of the power of the process. This catchphrase began with Nick Saban, Alabama’s head coach, whom Fisher was offensive coordinator for at Louisiana State University. The process is about focusing your efforts where you have the most control. Consequently, you cannot control the outcome of the game. However, you caneliminate the clutter of outside extremities and control your own effort and activities applicable to perfecting the process. Certainly, our football team lives, eats, and breathes, “the process.” But can they begin next season like they did in the nineties, being dominant over everyone they play? Only time will tell, but our boys unquestionably have a tough season ahead, especially with Notre Dame and Louisville being new to the Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC). Expect big games with the season opener in Dallas against Oklahoma State, followed by Clemson, Notre Dame, Louisville, Miami and University of Florida. These may be a challenge, but I know everyone has confidence in the team, coaching staff and our returning Heisman Trophy winner, Jameis Winston.

Like I said, we have not been a purely dominant football since the '90s. So how will our team react by being the ones hunted, as oppose to the being the hunter? Like the saying goes, the top is a lonely place to be. Suddenly, you feel the pressure to maintain your stardom, and as I’ve seen thus far, many worry about potential challenges that the Seminoles may face. Will Winston crack under the pressure of coming from such a successful season? Can the team replace the defensive stars we found in Timmy Jernigan, Telvin Smith, and Lemarcus Joyner? Likewise, can they replace offensive stars like Kelvin Benjamin, Kenny Shaw, and Devonta Freeman? How will the departure of Jeremy Pruitt, our previous defensive coordinator, to the University of Georgia affect the team’s success?

While I cannot guarantee a perfected process again, I can assure you that our team will be solid. Our 2014 recruiting class was ranked in the top five by every major sports outlet. We are hopeful that the freshman five-star wide receivers, Ermon Lane and Travis Rudolph, will suit up in garnet and gold to replace Benjamin and Shaw. Incoming defensive stars will be Demarcus Christmas, Kain Daub, and Trey Marshall. But let’s not forget about the unbelievable returning players that helped lead us to last season’s victory. On offense we have big guns Rashad Greene, Nick O’Leary, and arguably the fastest player in the nation, Kermit Whitfield. I mean, who could forget his 100-yard kickoff return in the National Championship? Our running backs lead the way with Karlos Williams, Mario Pender, and freshman phenomenon Dalvin Cook. Defensively, we are stacked once again! We already have outstanding players in Mario Edwards, PJ Williams, Jalen Ramsey, and countless others. As for the Jeremy Pruitt situation—not to worry. Charles Kelly will take the reigns, someone who already has experience with FSU as our linebacker coach. If history repeats itself we will be just fine; we replaced six coaches after the 2012 season and ending up winning the National Championship that year.

By the looks of it, the future is shining as bright as gold—with a shimmer of garnet, of course—for our beloved Florida State Seminoles. Go 'Noles!

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