5. Tooth Fairy and Dentist | The Odyssey Online
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10 Couples Halloween Costumes You And Your Boo Can DIY With Things You Probably Have At Home

Yes, you can and should be Carole Baskin and Joe Exotic.

Sarah Hyland and Wells Adams dressed up as Joe Exotic and Carole Baskin from Tiger King on Netflix

Halloween is just around the corner, which means it's time to brainstorm fun ideas with your S.O.! Here are 10 cute couples costume ideas for you and your boo to consider DIYing (or buying if you don't have the items), whether you plan to dress up and stay home or you're having a properly socially distanced get together.

1. Joe Exotic & Carole Baskin

Fair warning, so many people probably have this idea since "Tiger King" was a huge hit this year! But how fun would this costume be?! You could also do Joe Exotic and a tiger or Carole Baskin and a tiger!

2. Beer Pong Table

Yes, you read that correctly. It's a thing. If you and your significant other love beer pong, there's a costume for that!

3. Chick Magnet

This one makes me LOL every time. Adorable!

4. Roaring 20s Couple

It was SUPPOSED to be like the roaring 20s starting all over again this year, but that didn't happen. But that can't stop you from dressing up like they did back in the real roaring 20s!

5. Tooth Fairy and Dentist

Okay, this would be CUTE.

6. Statue of Liberty and a Tourist

I saw this on my Twitter last year and it was so unique! You can either do the Statue of Liberty and a tourist OR any tourist-y destination where you live with a tourist!

7. Old Married Couple

This seems like it would be the comfiest costume EVER. Just throw on some sweats, a shirt, and a robe and add whatever props you want!

8. Pizza and Pizza Delivery Driver

A classic, but a cheesy one (see what I did there?!)

9. Flo and Jake

Also another classic one, but who doesn't love Flo from Progressive and Jake from State Farm?!

10. Tinder Profiles

I made a cutout Tinder profile for a Valentine's costume party from r/Tinder

Simple, fun, cute, and so much more! Make yourself into your own real-life Tinder profile!

Follow Swoon on Instagram.

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