The 2016 presidential race has certainly been interesting, to say the least. There’s a wide array of candidates with different backgrounds and platforms, but one candidate in particular has garnered quite a lot of media attention. That candidate is none other than Donald Trump. There are those who love him, those who hate him, and those who love to poke fun at him (I'm looking at you John Oliver). His candidacy seems to have taken the nation by storm, so who would be better to help me chronicle the progression of his campaign than Trump himself? Therefore, I give you Donald Trump on Donald Trump.
When Trump threw his name into the ring for the presidency back in June, not many people took him seriously.
It appeared to be no more than a publicity stunt to bring more attention to his businesses and television shows. People were certain that he’d drop out after a couple of weeks or months once he got the attention that he wanted. Unfortunately for Trump, some of his comments during the announcement were unfavorable (maybe he should’ve refrained from sweeping generalizations. I don’t know, just a thought), and some organizations cut ties with him.
As time went on, it became clear that Trump was in it for the long haul. Since his campaign was completely self-funded when it began, he was free to run it however he saw fit. He even announced that if he didn’t win the Republican nomination, he would run as a third party candidate (though his intention to run independently has changed since then).
People have rallied behind Trump because they think he means business. They applaud him for speaking his mind, telling it like it is, and having a strong sense for building our economy like he builds his Trump Towers. (I feel obligated here to mention that by ‘speaking his mind,’ Trump is really just spewing racist gobbledygook, and as far as running our country like he runs his business, that’s fine and dandy if you’re excited about the prospect of being in debt, but hey, to each his own).
Trump’s campaign now seems to be just as problematic as when it began, but now there are more people supporting him than before. He plays on people’s irrational xenophobic fears and prideful nationalism to give his platform weight. The biggest issue is the blind support that people give him. This video of people confusing quotes from Hitler with quotes from Trump is particularly telling of that fact.
Trump’s slogan has been “Make America Great Again,” but many people are fearful that what he plans to do isn’t going to accomplish that goal. Many members of the Republic party won't endorse him because his plans don’t fit well with the general Republican platform.
I don’t have strong political views, but there is one thing I truly believe: Donald Trump would not make a good president.
This is all the proof I need. The American Eagle has spoken, and it also doesn’t like Trump.