33 Thoughts All College Seniors Have During The Last Semester Before Graduation
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33 Thoughts All College Seniors Have During The Last Semester Before Graduation

Is this really happening?

33 Thoughts All College Seniors Have During The Last Semester Before Graduation
Kappa Delta HQ Instagram

Congratulations! You have made it to your LAST semester before graduation! People always say "time flies," especially during your college years. College graduation marks an important milestone in each of our lives; it's the point where adulthood is no longer a concept far off in the distance, but a daily reality. While some may be eagerly counting down the days till graduation, others may have an overwhelming sense uncertainty when it comes to taking the next step in their future. Here are X thoughts you probably have had during your last semester:

1. Counting down... 112 days left!

16 weeks. 16 weeks is all you have left until the start of the rest of your life!!!! You can't WAIT.

2. I can't believe I have to take this class...

To that one random general studies course that somehow ended up fitting in your current schedule... What's up with all the freshman?

3. Do I really need to study?

I mean C's get degrees, right? You just need to pass at this point. Studying at this point will not help you learn the skills you need to anymore.

4. Okay no, scratch that. I NEED to study.

Senior level courses = a lot more effort. You need to crack down on your study habits and get back to managing your time in your planner. C'mon you can do this for one more semester.

5. Oh my gosh, is it spring break yet?

You have got to live it up with your friends the last break you have together! You don't care what y'all do. As long as you're with your crew, it's gonna be a good one.

6. Wow, I'm going to miss this campus.

Ever just let yourself soak in the remarkable beauty of your campus? Yeah you're going to miss this next year. You remind yourself to take it in while you can!

7. Psh I can't wait for the real world.

Working, routine, schedule, new city, new friends, cute business outfits, new earnings, and NEW LIFE. Wow you can't wait for the rest of your life to unfold!

8. I want to make my family proud.

Woohoo! You want the fam to celebrate with you! You would never admit it, but secretly you have an inner desire to please your parents and siblings.

9. Only 72 days left!

For that one person that has a legit countdown on their cell phone...

10. Jobs, jobs, jobs.

Career fair here, career fair there. It's exhausting how much time you spend researching and looking up jobs in the market you want. Resume building, interview skills, this is what your spare time is devoted to.

11. Time to apply.

Take a deep breath and hit submit.... You just applied for your first grown-up job. Or maybe it's graduate school or medical school. Either way, it took a lot of effort to get to this point so give yourself a pat on the back, regardless of the outcome.

12. Honestly why is this semester going by so SLOWWWWW.

There is so much anticipation... no wonder why it seems like this semester is going by unusually slower than the rest. *Cue 'Fireflies' by Owl City* Planet earth turns slowlyyyyyy....

13. Where will I be next year?

Will I go home? Will I stay where I am? Will I venture to a new city? I wonder what the best track is... What if I am hours from my family? Or better yet, what if I am only fifteen minutes away? Ahhhh

14. I will cherish these friends forever.

They always say you meet lifelong friends in college... and gah you hope this is true. You want the best for your closest friends but no doubt, you will miss them being only five minutes away next year. No more late night movie sessions or last minute sleepovers or dinner outings. Cheers to these years and the friends to come!

15. I don't feel any older.

You don't feel any older than you did in high school... young at heart? You still have that youthful energy inside. You are ready to take on adventure. No settling down yet!

16. I feel so much older!!!

But at the same time.... you feel immensely older in life experiences and wisdom! You've matured and are ready to take on more responsibility. Freedom awaits you; you will be completely independent!

17. Will this honor society look good on my resume?

There are a plethora of honor societies you can join depending on the amount of credits you've taken, your academic department, and GPA, but which ones are worth the price? Is the $100 worth the name? Better yet - will there it have honor cords for graduation? Decisions, decisions.

18. This is really happening.

This "aha" moment might hit you while you're ordering your cap and gown... or when you receive that email with all the information regarding graduation day. Yes! It really is happening!

19. Summer... how can establish plans for the summer if I don't know what I'm doing next year?

Yeah. You'll cross this bridge when you get there. For now, time to focus on the present.

20. Wow, I really need a professional photo shoot.

You are ready to upgrade to a professional LinkedIn profile picture. Mom, Dad, will you pay for a new headshot????!!!

21. I should really start packing all my stuff.

The day is nearing... you should probably try to set aside some time this weekend to start packing your things. It's all going to have to go somewhere!

22. Geesh... how much stuff do I have?

HA! And you thought it would all fit in your car.... looks like you might need a Uhaul or big van to move your bed, dresser, and desk... oh boy.

23. YEET. Only 30 days left!

Say whaaaat?!? One month left! It's go-time.

24. I thought senioritis only applied to high school.

You thought wrong. It can be extremely hard to muster up the motivation to finish strong. Classes are difficult, the sun is shining, (for spring semester graduates at least) and you want to enjoy it as much as you can. Be inspired! You've come this far! Finish strong!

25. I gotta do something about my sleep schedule.

So going to bed at 2 a.m. every night... probably not going to be a thing next year. You can't imagine what a normal working person's sleep routine is like. For the past four years, all you've known is crazy hours, late nights, and a few all-nighters. This will definitely be a change.

26. Can I finally get a puppy now???

Depending on where you move to next, it might FINALLY be time to get a pet. Good luck finding a studio that allows pets! Or a roommate that can deal with them at least! Working a new full-time job and training a puppy? Yeah, this will be a year to remember.

27. It's going to be weird not lugging around a backpack everywhere...

As it is right now, you take your backpack EVERYWHERE. To school, to the gym, to the coffee shop... This might be a little unprofessional at your new workplace... time to upgrade to a fancy briefcase or purse!

28. AHHHH I am stressed out.

It's the last few weeks before graduation and you've got a MILLION things racing through your mind. Stress level is at an all-time high. You don't know where you're going. Or maybe you do and there's a lot you have to accomplish before you get there. Either way, it will all work itself out in the end, I promise.

29. Feeling a little bittersweet today.

The highs, the lows, this university holds some of your fondest memories. (and maybe some of your most wild memories too) You're thankful for the skills you've learning and this place that has brought you new friends. While you can't wait to move on with your life, you'll always have a place in your heart for your university.

30. Homesick? No, it can't be.

It's alright to admit you are homesick every once in a while. But the good news is - graduation is now around the corner and your family (hopefully a few members!) will be here to witness your achievement. Plus, who doesn't miss a good home-cooked meal every once in a while...

31. I wonder if I'll even have time to workout next year?

It's senior year of college, your time management skills should be immaculate by now. If you can find a way to incorporate exercise in your crazy schedule now, there should be no reason you can't do the same in your new career. Although, it might mean waking up a little earlier than you want to.

32. OMG, I NEED to find a graduation outfit!

OK, this one might be more for the ladies... You are on the lookout for that perfect graduation statement dress. It's your day! Of course you have to look glam!

33. Happiness.

You know that whatever happens, you've made it this far. So while you aspire to be a future professional, you allow yourself to be content with where you're at right now.

The last semester before college graduation can be one of most stressful times of your life, but also one of the most rewarding. The world is full of possibilities and you're excited to see where it takes you. In all the craziness, you remind yourself of all the blessing this school has brought you. And soon enough, you'll be able to call yourself a COLLEGE GRADUATE!

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