To The College Grad Who Isn't Sure What Her Next Move Is, It's OK | The Odyssey Online
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To The College Grad Who Isn't Sure What Her Next Move Is, It's OK

Right now my next move is to figure out my next move and it may take a little bit but that's honestly OK...

To The College Grad Who Isn't Sure What Her Next Move Is, It's OK
Ashley Denton

Finally that day you have waited so long for has finally come! That's right, Graduation Day! The day where you get to walk across that stage and get that degree that you have put all of your blood, sweat, and tears; lots and lots of tears into. The time has finally come where you can relax and be care and stress-free right? WRONG!

You may have just graduated but now, now its time to step into the real world and into the pool of every single adult you know asking the famous question "What's next? What are you going to do now?" You may know, you may already have a plan set in place and if so congrats! You are one of the few that ACTUALLY know what they want to do with their lives. Now if you are amongst the many who have no idea what their next move is, let me just say…

Sit back. Take a deep breath and BREATHE!

You are still young, how old are you? 21, 22, 23 or even 24? You still have your whole life ahead of you! The world is honestly yours, you are the creator of your own destiny. You are the one with the power to say and to do, what you actually want to do. No longer are you living in the times when mommy and daddy plan your everyday life. Its now time to put on your big kids pants and boss up, and do what you want to do instead of what others want or think you should do.

Being a new college grad myself I can't tell you how many times I have been approached with the question "what's next?" and honestly the look on peoples faces when I say "I don't know so I'm taking some time off to do me" is priceless, I'm not ashamed that I'm still figuring things out, I'm only 21 years old and I still have my whole life ahead of me. It's not that I just don't have a plan, because I do. I have many the problem is that I can't decide which plan to go with and THAT'S OK!

It's ok, to not know what you're going to do right away

We are still young and we still have time to figure it out, take time to enjoy life and to enjoy being young, we only have one life to live and there is no time to waste.

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