Christmas time only comes once a year, and alongside the wonderful Christmas traditions that happen at home there are YouTube stars who are partaking in Vlogmas. Vlogmas is a YouTube tradition that happens throughout the whole month of December in which YouTubers vlog each day of the month up until Christmas day and give their viewers some insight into what their daily life is like. I absolutely adore vlogs, just as much as the next YouTube addict, and vlogmas is great because I can get my daily dose of my favorites every day of the month. In case you didn't already know some of these great vlogmas' that you need to be watching, here are my top 9 YouTube vlogmas' that I am obsessing over.
1. Jenna Marbles (JennaMarblesVlog)
If you have never heard of Jenna Marbles or you haven't seen any of her YouTube content, you're missing out. She is hilarious and always finds a way to make you laugh when watching her videos. She's weird in all the best ways, she has three cute dogs and Julien is funny as well, what more could you want?
2. Alisha Marie (AlishaMarieVlogs)
Alisha's vlog are so upbeat, bubbly and just amazing to start your day off with. Her vlogmas' keep that same upbeat spirit and her opening is just the best. She is also taking her viewers with her to cool new places, snowboarding and to her favorite spot (Starbucks, duh). Her vlogs are the perfect length to keep you interested and you'll find yourself watching her videos all the time.
3. Kristee Vetter (MoreKristee)
I think one of the main reasons I love Kristee's vlogs so much is that I can relate to where she is in life since she is also a senior in college. She showed a little bit of her college life throughout her first couple of weeks of vlogmas, but all around she is a down-to-earth girl who you will enjoy watching if you are a fellow college student like me.
4. Christella Lozano (Fly With Stella)
Have you ever wondered what the average life of a fly attendant is like during the Christmas season? Well Fly With Stella takes you along for her christmas adventures mixed with her airport standbys, packing for her next flight and just enjoying her time off in-between. Even though I recently just discovered her vlogs, she's very sweet and she provides a lot of insight into what life is like as a fly attendant.
5. Remi Cruz (RemLife)
Remi is actually friends with Alisha, and they are often seen in each other's videos. Remi is an essential to any college girl's Vlogmas list. She's gorgeous, her makeup is always on point and she is very relatable. AND she has the cutest dog! I'm sensing a common theme in some of these (aka many of them have cute dogs, and who doesn't love dogs?).
6. Heart Defensor (ThatsHeartTV)
Heart is another beauty guru who vlogs and whose life you can't help but keep up with. Her and her fiancé are absolutely adorable and she's really down-to-earth, but funny all at the same time. Her vlogmas are really entertaining, and I really recommend you check out her channel.
7. Casey Holmes (CaseyHolmesVlogs91)
Casey Holmes, who I recently discovered, is stunning and her Vlogmas' feature a trip to Tennessee to visit Dollywood. Tennessee is one of my favorite places on earth so it was cool to see her vlog her trip to a place so close to my heart. She's kind-hearted and her boyfriend and her are super cute together (enough to make you think they are #goals). And need I even mention the fact that she also has dogs?
8. Kathryn Ann
This blonde-haired, recently engaged southern girl will steal your heart in just one of her videos. She's a senior in college pursing her nursing degree and her videos make me smile, and I mean come on, one of her vlogmas videos was her proposal video. It doesn't get any better than that.
9. Lindsey Hughes (livinlikelindsey)
I can't even remember when I stumbled upon Lindsey, but I think it was through her main channel and then I got hooked on her vlogs as well. She moved from a small town to LA to pursue her dreams and she's taken her viewers along for the ride. She's transformed into this indie, boho goddess who can totally rock hair colors that I wish I could.
Vlogmas only comes once a year, and for those of use who are on break, binge watching vlogmas' is definitely on our list of things to do over break. You know I will be watching these particular vloggers over break (in addition to others) and I recommend that you check out their channels as well.