Why The Friends You Make In College Will Be Your Forever Friends | The Odyssey Online
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College Hasn't Always Been Great, But It's Given Me My Forever Friends

College might have given me a lot of stress, but at least it also gave me my people.

friends laughing and walking through abandoned lot together

This goes out to the amazing people that college gave me the pleasure of meeting.

Where do I even begin...I guess the beginning would be a good start, huh? College is scary no matter where you end up going, and going out of state was one of the scariest decisions I have ever made in my life. The thought of going somewhere I have never been before, without knowing anyone was honestly terrifying. Not knowing what life was going to throw at me, or the people that I would meet, and just the whole idea of college in general was something that made me so nervous but so excited at the same time. The long nights of studying and the hectic schedule of balancing work and school was never easier, but at least something good came out of it...

College gave me my lifelong friends.

Moving into the dorms, three years ago now, was like an experience I have never gone through before. When the parents were all gone we all realized that this was it, the moment we all were waiting for, freshman year of college. Looking back I would not have it any other way, we have grown up together honestly. Going from the crazy freshman who stayed up too late and partied too hard, to the "kinda" put together juniors we are today. We grew together and learned from each other's mistakes, doing the best we could, which was all we could really do.

Some of the fondest memories I have are with you all, from the nights we just stayed up talking, to the dining hall dates and the many attempts we made to stay in shape and go to the gym. I wouldn't want to have spent my freshman year with anyone else, the memories we have made together will stay with me once we all graduate.

The thought of ever leaving all of this is scary to even think about.

Fast-forward to sophomore year, not living near each other was an obstacle we surpassed and all continued to grow together. You are all my biggest support systems and I couldn't imagine life without you. Even if you don't feel like it, you impacted my life in such a tremendous way, beyond what words could possibly express.

Now we are juniors and I can't wait to see what the rest of college has to bring for us all, we keep saying we can't wait to finally be done with school, but now that time keeps going by so fast all we want is for it to slow down. These are the best years of our lives. No matter where we all end up after graduation, I wish you all the best because you deserve it. Can't wait to reminisce on the memories we made, and the memories to come, at all your weddings.

God knows there are a ton of stories to look back and laugh at.

College might have brought me a tremendous amount of stress, but it brought me you guys. The ones who stayed by my side through it all. Thank you for seeing me at my worst and still loving me unconditionally, and partying with me during my best.

You all will have a special place in my heart, where ever life takes us all, I will never forget the times we shared together.

My people.

My forever friends.

For you, I am eternally grateful.

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