Cold And Flu Season Is Upon Us: Get Ready
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Cold And Flu Season Is Upon Us: Get Ready

Keep the sniffles at bay by staying healthy with these few easy tips.

Cold And Flu Season Is Upon Us: Get Ready
Michal Jarmoluk via

As is expected, autumn and winter are bringing chilly winds, frigid temperatures, and a case of influenza outbreaks. Although infectious illnesses are not limited only to the colder seasons, the number of cases are much more prevalent during this time of the year, according to the CDC. Contagious respiratory illnesses, or any other for that matter, should not be taken lightly. Keep yourself healthy and strong by using these few suggestions throughout your day-to-day activities.

Get Some Sunlight

When the leaves begin to fall and the temperatures begin to drop, people tend to enclose themselves within the warmth and comfort of their homes more often than not. You might feel more inclined to wrap yourself up in a blanket and lay in bed all day but there are more surface areas indoors where germs may thrive. To prevent catching a cold, step outside for 10 minutes and opt for getting direct sunlight. You will reduce the amount of contact you have with contaminated surfaces, or people, while also allowing your body to synthesize some beneficial vitamin D — which is essential for optimal health — from the sun's exposure.

Disinfect household areas

Of course, you should always aim to keep your home or apartment clean, but when the colder seasons begin to surface, there should be a greater emphasis on this. The more time spent indoors to stay away from chilly temperatures introduces the notion that there will be a lot more time spent in places like the kitchen and the living room. When was the last time you cleaned the microwave buttons or the handles on the fridge? What about your light switches or all of the doorknobs? Areas, such as these, that are more frequently touched need to be wiped down or disinfected, especially if you want to avoid coughing or sniffling your way to work or class. By doing so, you will prevent the spreading of germs and keep yourself healthy, which in turn may increase your likelihood of enjoying the autumn and winter seasons.

Stay hydrated

Water will always play a key role in one's overall health because our body relies on it for homeostasis; and in the months following October, your body will very well need it to fight off possible infections. Sore throats, coughs, fevers, stomach discomfort, and so on will prefer it if you were to neglect your thirst or body from the nutrients found in water, so instead of allowing these illnesses to advance, attempt to ease your discomfort and stop the sickness in its tracks by consuming at least a liter of water a day.

Eat your vitamins

It may be simple to head to the pantry and begin indulging in warm or quick comfort foods to soothe that stingy throat, and even more so during the upcoming holiday seasons. If you are fortunate enough to indulge in many of the sweets and treats associated with holidays, then you will know that none of these treats provide as many, if any, nutrients as wholesome plant-based foods do. If you want your body to stay strong and nourished with essential vitamins to fight off illness, then it is important to incorporate nutritious foods into your meals. That could be anything from having a banana with your morning oatmeal, spinach with your scramble, or eating vitamin-c rich foods such as strawberries, apples, and coconut water. The website, Prevention, suggests some meal plans with these flu and cold fighting foods, so check it out if you would like to learn a bit more on how to strengthen your immune system and beat those stubborn viruses.

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