Why Career Goals Are Better Than Boyfriend Goals | The Odyssey Online
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Why Career Goals Are Better Than Boyfriend Goals

Careers last, boys don't.

Why Career Goals Are Better Than Boyfriend Goals

Growing up, I always fantasized about who I was going to marry. What would he look like? Where would my wedding be? What will I name my kids? What will his job be?

Even now that I'm in college, as shallow as it sounds, I judge guys I meet based on their major. Pre-med? Yeah, I'll go on a date with you. Business major? Ok, definitely, let's keep talking. Education? Maybe, probably not.

What is wrong here is the fact that even though when growing up I had in mind what I wanted to be when I grew up, I never really looked at it as a reality. I relied on the fact that my husband would be the one who works, and I would stay at home, take care of the kids, and spend all his money. Going to college in a small town made me that way. My dreams seem so far away that I stop being motivated and start relying on finding a boyfriend who could potentially support me in the future.

I just got back from New York City, and after watching so many women speed-walk blocks and blocks in their business attire and heels, I realized my dreams are not that far to reach. Opportunity is right around the corner, and I don't need to worry about what my future husband is doing because I am in complete control.

Having career goals is not as unrealistic as it seems and is so much better than having boyfriend goals, because, let's be honest, careers last, and boys don't.

1. You will gain independence.

Women don't need men to be successful. How great will it be to be able to pay for your own things without relying on anyone but yourself. You learn to do things on your own, earn things on your own, and basically, you become an invincible boss. You are in complete control of your own life.

2. You will make a name for yourself.

One thing is for sure, I never want to be known as someone's girl friend, or someone's wife. I want my name to be just important as my husband's. I don't care how successful my husband is, I want my name to be known and I want my mark to be left in this world.

3. You will make your own money.

As if it wasn't obvious. Careers lead to money ... money of your own. If your boyfriend breaks up with you (which would be stupid), or your husband divorces you (which would be even more stupid), you won't be left struggling to find a job to try and get by. You've had a career, you make your own money, you depend on yourself. You don't need to depend on anyone to make that cash.

4. Your career won't break up with you.

You've worked hard for your career. You've studied, you've worked, you have had endless sleepless nights, and in the end, your career loves you back. Yeah, maybe you'll get fired from a job, or start out with a sucky boss, but your career is still with you, and you can pull yourself together and find another job and work yourself up. Your career will always stick by you, but boys? Most probably won't.

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