Why I Cannot And Will Not Vote for Donald Trump
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Why I Cannot And Will Not Vote for Donald Trump

"...it is absolutely appalling that a presidential candidate can say, 'I would bomb the shit out of them,' and actually get support from it."

Why I Cannot And Will Not Vote for Donald Trump
Par Le Boytown Archives

As a student, as a child of immigrants, as a human, I cannot and I refuse to support Donald Trump.

While some continue to believe that because Trump "built tall buildings," is a "successful entrepreneur," and is a "major proponent supporter of American identity" he should be President, but many fail to realize what exactly they are bargaining for in the case Trump becomes President.

Personally, I was very much confused about my political identity for most of life. Having grown up in a middle-class, predominantly white town on Long Island, I assumed that my political stance was Republican because that's the party every local official kissed ass for. Even in high school, when taking a political opinion quiz in my AP U.S. History class, I still believed that I was Republican. After all, that was what was pushed down my throat for a majority of my life. But, as soon as I went to college and had time to experience our nation's time of significant change with just my mind, I realized I actually lean left, rather than right. No, not because I hate Republicans solely because they're Republican. If I disliked them based on that bias, I wouldn't be any better than they are, quite frankly. But instead I realized I lean left because I have too much (human) compassion to side with a party that endorses a candidate that could not show a greater negligence for the welfare of the people.

I cannot side with someone that would want to bomb a country to establish dominance and create fear.

And, I do not understand why anyone would. I am an American citizen, and as I have previously voiced, I used to be quite proud to be one. But, after expanding my knowledge of international affairs and the politics of the world, I realized that to fight for justice, you cannot fight unjustly. We cannot expect to be able to bomb someone's home, killing someone's child, parent, grandparent, friend, lover, whoever they may be, and attain peace that way. It hasn't worked, and it never will. After what has been nearly two decades of fighting with the Middle East, it is absolutely appalling that a presidential candidate can say, "I would bomb the shit out of them," and actually get support for it. The truth is that we've all been hurt by the burden our world has to carry, but that is no reason to lose our humanity. Yes, we've all been hurt by the news of fallen soldiers who have defended our country and freedom, but how do you think it feels to be an Afghani child, for instance, who saw her parents blown to pieces? Her parents who always spoke down about the Taliban, al-Qaeda, and other associated terrorist groups at the table. Her parents that were just standing outside their home to be struck in the crossfire? Is it fair? Is it righteous that in 2016 we still feel this Trump's way is the way to resolve conflict? No, no it is not.

I cannot support a man or a woman or an alien or ANYONE who shames a woman for having her period.

Yeah, so if you're a woman supporting Trump... Guess what? He probably is disgusted by you because you're menstruating. In fact, by that logic, he should be (and probably is) repulsed by the idea of Melania (or does she go by Michelle now?), Ivanka, or his mother having their period. In case you ever questioned it, yes, he's actually shaming for you for the natural, biological process that enables mankind to procreate.

I don't think any of us have forgotten Trump's favorite target, Megyn Kelly during the first GOP debate, where he publicly shamed women for... well, being women. After being bombarded with questions about his political viewpoints and, as usual, being incapable to adequately answer and defend his policies, Trump responded with, "You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her wherever." While he did "clarify" his statement that he was referring to her nose, if you refuse to acknowledge that this was indeed an insult to women, you either have a context-comprehension problem or you're downright ignorant. Women cannot afford to ignore these issues. As it is, women are disregarded in today's society and treated inferior to men, whether it be socially or economically. This creates an even greater need for Trump to lose this election -- we cannot afford a misogynist as the leader of our country.

I cannot look up to someone who makes fun of the disabled population.

Before you even have the chance to utter that this is not true, check it out for yourself:

Yes, that's right. At a rally, Trump openly mocked New York Times Reporter, Serge Kovaleski, who suffers from a disability that impairs the movement of his hands and arms. The fact that a potential future President's moral compass is so weak that he sees nothing wrong in ridiculing someone's physical impediment in front of his supporters is absolutely egregious. In fact, I know that at my school (Brooklyn College), students have been motioning to make greater accommodations for the disabled population of our school, and the fact that college students show more compassion than our future "leader" is a testament to... Well, I'll let you make that determination.

This article was not mean to sway, influence, criticize, offend, target, or in any way harm Trump's supporters and associated Republicans. It is simply, what I hope to be, an eye-opener for the stragglers, also known as those without a definitive political identity who have taken it upon themselves to say that if Trump is the most popular candidate, he must be doing something right.

The truth about this election, and life is: what is popular isn't always just, and what is just isn't always popular. Just because Trump is able to dumb down politics in 10 seconds doesn't mean he will make a good President. In fact, anyone who can do that doesn't understand what they're talking about, at all.

As a plea to all those lacking political awareness: educate yourself, Google your candidates, find out what they're about. After all, they will only dictate the future of our nation for the next 4 years!

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