7 Best Tips From The Call Her Daddy Podcast To Get The Guy
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7 Tips From The 'Call Her Daddy' Podcast That Helped Me Get A Boyfriend In 7 Days

It's simple, really.

7 Tips From The 'Call Her Daddy' Podcast That Helped Me Get A Boyfriend In 7 Days

So we are all familiar with "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days," but no one ever made a movie about "How to GET a Man in 10 Days." Since this semester started I decided to try something new — a podcast.

The "Call Her Daddy" podcast featured by Barstool has become a popular hit among college girls and college students. The co-hosts walk each listener through the do's and don'ts of dating, Instagram messaging, online profiles, and sex.

While many people listen to this podcast to find out ways to catch their significant other cheating, as a common phrase in the podcast is "cheat or be cheated on," it can also be used to spice up a romantic relationship and protect people from heartache by teaching them how to land a partner.

So let's get down to it. Here's how I used tips from "Call Her Daddy" to land a guy in 7 days:

Slide into the DMs.

Girls! It is so imperative you realize this is the 21st century and you are allowed to make the first move, even if that involves sliding in the DMs first. I am not an advocate for Tinder as I don't have it, but a lot of my friends even saying Tinder is a great way to break the ice and practice sliding in the DMs.

How I Did It, Day 1:

As mentioned on Call Her Daddy, you have to slide in the DMs first. Since there are guidelines for this as you can see in Episode 36, there are some rules following the DMs. I'm not a ten and I'd consider myself a 7 on a good day so, if you are like me, then we are in the middle between being a complete train wreck and half-way decent girl. If you are an average girl, you have to really slide in the DMs with hot and creative content. Like... if you feel the guy is out of your league, spice it up! Send a message that deserves a response back because it is just so WOW.

So the guy I was trying to contact via Instagram DM was out of my league so-to-say as his Instagram content was pretty nice for a guy. So I saw he liked fishing and I, being the corny girl I am, decided to make some fishing puns. Not the best move, but hey... you have to start somewhere. Don't take my word on what to say, but 100% try something that is creative!

Know your audience.

This is a huge one! If your crush is a country guy or very shy, maybe don't bust out his car with EDM on the first date. This could be one of those relationships you need to take slow. For example, in Episode 38 "Welcome to Slut Camp," the girls explain how if your guy thinks you are innocent or he is less experienced than you, don't bust out the GLUCK GLUCK 9000. If you are trying to actually date this man, and he is into the innocent thing, don't be someone you aren't, but don't show ALL the crazy on the first date. Try light kisses, a hug, and maybe some neck action, but grabbing his pants may not be the move if he is shy.

How I Did It, Day 2:

After landing my date to go fishing, I found out pretty quickly this guy was a good guy and I couldn't tell if he had gotten around or not, so to play it safe, I matched my audience (AKA I matched the vibe of the guy). We kept it very PG-13, and I'm positive this led to him asking me out again because I gave the impression I don't hook up on the first date. HUGE WIN!

Everyone is a fuckboy until proven otherwise.

Once the second date is secured, there are many questions girls ask. Can I hook up with him now? Are we going to start dating? Are we still getting to know each other? Do I want a boyfriend? With so many questions, the best advice is to lay low and act like you don't want to date. Why? Because EVERY BOY is "a fuck boy until proven otherwise."

With this mentality, you are protecting yourself from getting hurt, while also appearing as less available. Which, because of the twisted cycle of the dating game, makes you more attractive. We all want what we can't have. He "can't" have you, or at least make him think that. This will leave your guy wanting you more because not only do you seem to be GF material, but he also wants to get your attention.

How I Did It, Day 3:

In my experience, since I didn't hook up on the first date, this guy was enthralled not only by the fact I was unavailable mentally, but also physically. On our second date, I mentioned things like I was so busy tomorrow and stuff so he knew I had a life outside of me trying to secure a date. I still believed this guy was a womanizer, until on the second date at the end he asked if I had any past relationships, which I answered: "2, one long-distance and one briefly in high school." This response made him think I was inexperienced now and a "good" girl, whatever "good" means. Within this conversation, I was able to get a sense of who this guy is and, ultimately, began to chip away at the "fuckboy" mentality I held toward him. After giving him this chance to prove himself worthy, we planned a third date.

Trap him with the VooDoo Clam.

The VooDoo Clam, a common phrase from getting a guy whipped because of hooking up, is used on Call Her Daddy in a lot of different episodes. Basically, once you decide you like this guy, and are ready for physical intimacy, unleash the magic of your clam on this man. Swirl, twist, clench-all things the Fathers describe in their show on how to trap a man to fall in love with you with the voodoo magic of the clam.

How I Did It, Day 4:

Following the Fathers' advice, I officially trapped this man with the "VooDoo Magic" leaving him not only awe-struck but after the date, I got home to messages asking when we could see each other again and that he already missed me. Coming home to the blue messages on my screen really made me excited that maybe this could actually be a thing? Whether a relationship or an FWB, I honestly was excited because it would be something for the semester.

Snapchat and dirty talk him.

Now that a girl has secured a dude, that gives her a bit of attention and perhaps a future relationship, she has to execute. How do you keep the relationship going if we can't see one another for a few days? Snapchat! My friends, Snapchat is literally the way to not only have a conversation with your guy, but you can also send those bomb selfies of you to turn him on! As mentioned in "Call Her Daddy," use Snapchat to send your pics because you can filter and it is like you are looking into a mirror! If you don't look bomb, don't worry! You can always use the chats, which delete in 24 hours or less, making this a great avenue to practice your dirty talk. Dirty talk-messages that have sexual innuendos or are just overly flirty are a great way to continue the passionate feelings and emotions to keep your man engaged until you see him again!

How I Did It, Day 5:

Post-second date, trying to figure out schedules for a third date, Snapchat entered the scene. The time was 8 p.m. the following day after we both finished work and school, and I receive a "hey wyd." Being the Daddy Gang girl I am, I decided to change the vibe of our usual conversations discussing our day plans and amp up the sexual tension. Replying with "about to take a shower" over a Snap image of me, in a towel (so 100% conservative LOL) with my hair cascading down behind my back and my bare shoulders hinting at the fact I was naked except for this towel. THIS MY FRIENDS is 100% a quick conversation changer as the Fathers have reminded us multiple times that guys just think about sex. So now, it is getting late, and I'm sending this guy flirty photos and messages, carrying the feelings from yesterday into tonight!

Keep an eye out for the pet names.

While "Call Her Daddy" makes some comments about pet names being a little bit ewww, I must admit I believe they are great signs to know when your guy has become captivated by you. My guy friends and strangers aren't calling me these names, but he is. Why? Because he likes me. So these names are a validation that the VooDoo Magic is still working.

How I Did It, Day 6:

So after the Snapchat saga the night before, along with the day's events from this week, this guy is hooked! He began sending messages like "good morning babe" and things that include pet names: "beautiful," "babe," "baby," "pretty girl," and "good looking." Daddy Gang for the win, amirite?

Cuff him.

After listening to MILF Hunter (a male guest on the podcast) and his various stories with girls, I realized while I may love the chase like he does, I ultimately would like to experience a boyfriend at least once during cuffing season. While cuffing season is on the edge of beginning right now, it is never too early to begin planting the seeds in future prospects.

How I Did It, Day 7:

So we are on another date, and we have already discussed relationships before and some common interests, and now questions like "what are we?" and "is this going to keep going?" came up. Secret slut inside me begins to freak, but at the same time, I wanted to try something new. I get asked out and say yes, and honestly, my first thought was "WOW, I just got a man in 7 days using Call Her Daddy!"

Overall, this advice and podcast do actually help many girls and guys out there and I 100 percent advise you to try this at home!

Follow Swoon on Instagram.

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