Planning The Perfect Big-Little Reveal
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10 Struggles Every Big Has Planning And Leading Up To The Perfect Big-Little Reveal

Big-little season is here, and with that comes hordes of paint covered Bigs trying to create the best Reveal ever. There's a lot of stress, suspense and glitter. Mostly glitter.

10 Struggles Every Big Has Planning And Leading Up To The Perfect Big-Little Reveal

Every sorority girl knows the absolute joy of receiving gifts from their bigs. Bigs secretly give their littles gifts in the days before the reveal, where littles discover who their bigs are. There are costumes and lots of excitement, and lifelong bonds begin to form.

There's nothing like being surprised with seemingly endless presents that are filled with your favorite things, sent with love from a person who cares a lot about you. You'll be showered with things like snacks, canvases and flowers. When it is your turn to give gifts, there is a long tradition and a big responsibility before you.

These are 10 struggles every future big will understand.

Loving your little already, and hoping she likes you too

You picked her out because of her charming personality and great sense of humor, and she's everything you dreamed of. One can only hope that she's as excited to be your little as you are to be her big. There's countless movie nights, brunches and functions ahead of the two of you. Trust me, she's even more excited to meet you!

Trying to live up to what your big did for your own reveal

There were so many gifts, you felt like Christmas came early. She knew exactly what to get you and got you everything in your favorite colors. You still hang the canvases she got you on the wall, and the t-shirts are regularly worn. You've got big, artistically gifted shoes to fill.

Hopelessly scouring Pinterest for ideas

Pinterest is a blessing and a curse. Yes, there are hundreds of ideas, but the pictures of museum-worthy crafts make you think your own gifts look like they were made by a kindergartener. Thankfully, your little will love them anyway.

Saving money in order to pay for the extravaganza

All of these purchases won't be cheap. Bigs regularly spend over 100 dollars for the reveal. Some Pinterest stars can spend three times that much in Christmas lights, Patagonia pullovers and jewelry.

Staying up all night to finish a project

Larger crafts like paddles and tables can take hours to complete. On top of being bigs, sorority girls are also students and have to juggle classes on top of their preparations. Good time management and a lot of caffeine is the only way to juggle all of your responsibilities during this hectic time.

Living your life covered in paint

Leading up to gift days, you're forced to craft whenever you can. This can mean walking around with paint smudges on your clothes and body, glitter on your face and pieces of ribbon stuck in your hair. Every other soon-to-be big will look the same, so embrace being part of a group of exhausted and artsy girls.

Feeling kinda like Santa Claus

Delivering gifts to a person who doesn't really know who you are during a festive season can make anyone feel like Saint Nick. (And let's be real, big-little reveal IS a Holiday). It's good practice for the big leagues when you have your own family.

Trying to find the best theme EVER

Rock and roll? Candy? Peanut butter and jelly? There's so many options out there it's hard to choose.

Trying to slyly ask if your little likes her gifts without revealing who you are

You might just casually bump into her on campus, or stalk her Snapchat for any signs that she received her gifts. It's not creepy, it's love.

Impatiently waiting behind a curtain, or in a box, to finally reveal yourself

The last couple minutes before you formally become a big are incredibly stressful. All of your hard work and long nights are over, and all there is left to do is have your amazing little run into your arms. The dedication paid off, and now you get to enjoy the post-Reveal revelries and celebrate never having to craft this much ever again.

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