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10 Of The Best Movies For Your Next Girls' Night In

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10 Of The Best Movies For Your Next Girls' Night In

Finding a way to relax varies for everyone. Whether it be exercise, reading, or writing in a journal, there are endless ways to help reduce stress. No matter how much we enjoy a night out on the town or a bite to eat at the best restaurant in the city on Saturday nights, there are some days when we genuinely need rest for the sake of our bodies and our minds. Getting the utmost rest has developed into a Friday night tradition for my girlfriends, as every Friday night is a peaceful movie night for us. It has been the norm to crowd into my sister's room and pick out a flick on Netflix or Hulu to keep us occupied for the evening. Whether you aim to plan a girls' night-in for yourself or your friends, these movies will make it a successful night!

"A Cinderella Story"

A classic favorite of mine, "A Cinderella Story" is the key to any girl's heart. Hilary Duff perfectly articulates the role of Sam Montgomery, a teenage girl stuck between her evil stepmom and dreadful stepsisters. As she navigates the college decision process, high school mean girls, and a potential romance with Austin Ames — also known as Chad Michael Murray — she discovers her own identity and values along the way.

"13 Going On 30"

"13 Going On 30," featuring Jennifer Garner as the protagonist, focuses on life and love as Jenna Rink, who finds herself struggling to find out who she is when transformed into a 30-year-old woman. She determinedly attempts to rewrite the past through a reunion with an old friend, one whom she had left behind when she shouldn't have.

"Mamma Mia!"

Well-known for its incredible soundtrack, "Mamma Mia!" is one of the greatest movie sing-alongs to watch for a girl's night. The plot follows Sophie, the bride-to-be, as she plans to discover who her true father is on a secluded island in Greece. "Mamma Mia!" is filled with laughter, romance, and celebration that warms the heart.

The "High School Musical" movies

The plot of "High School Musical" has been every girl's dream since 2006. The movie series produced the catchiest songs that blasted through our stereos in elementary school. As Troy and Gabriella break the status quo and band their friends together as one, it makes for an unforgettable high school experience as they become East High's best couple. Plus, who wouldn't want to be serenaded by Troy Bolton on their balcony at midnight?


"Clueless," a 90s movie known for its quotes, is an absolute must-see. Cher is at the top of her Beverly Hill's high school social ladder and has everything she could ask for: an expensive house, a high-end car, and her own credit card. Because she values her social successes, Cher gets herself into trouble after giving the new girl in school, Tai, a makeover, and she watches as Tai's popularity sails past her own.

"How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days"

This romantic comedy follows two journalists interested in the idea of romance. Andie, a magazine writer, attempts to date a man and drive him crazy enough that he will want to break up with her in only 10 days. On the other hand, Ben, an advertising executive, intends to make a woman fall in love with him in 10 days as well. Once they meet, they strike each other as the perfect candidates for their test, but do not know one another's plans.

"The Devil Wears Prada"

Based on Lauren Weisberger's 2003 novel, "The Devil Wears Prada" is set in New York City as Meryl Streep plays the intimidating role of Miranda Priestly, editor-in-chief of Runway magazine. Andy Sachs, played by Anne Hathaway, is an aspiring journalist who lands a job as Priestly's assistant, which launches her into the world of fashion and design. Andy works for Runway for one year in the hopes of landing a job as a reporter for a different company but learns a lot about herself and her boss along the way.

"Legally Blonde"

Reese Witherspoon plays the comedic sorority girl, Elle Woods, in this comedy film. After her boyfriend, Warner, breaks up with her over a romantic dinner rather than proposing as she expected, Elle feels crushed. Warner claims he needs a relationship with a more serious woman, hence his reason for attending Harvard Law school. Determined to win him back, Elle enrolls in Harvard as well but finds herself wanting more than a boyfriend after she develops a liking for law.

"10 Things I Hate About You"

Heath Ledger wins the hearts of every female who watches this comedy. "10 Things I Hate About You" features two sisters, Bianca and Kat Stratford, who are under the strict guidance of their father and his rules on dating. When Cameron, the new boy at school, falls head over heels for Bianca, he attempts to get Patrick, high school bad boy, to ask out Kat in order to get around their father's rules.

 "She's the Man"

Viola Johnson, played by Amanda Bynes, is in search for vengeance after her high school cuts the women's soccer team. She decides to pose as her soccer-playing twin brother, Sebastian, and attend the new boarding school he is enrolled in while off in London. Things take a turn when Viola falls for her roommate, Duke (played by Channing Tatum), while Duke's crush falls for who she thinks is Sebastian. However, Sebastian has no idea that Viola decided to take his place on campus.

These 10 movies provide the perfect outlet to a girl's night-in filled with laughter, hope, and maybe even a few tears. I highly recommend using this list next time you decide to host a movie night with your friends. Head to your nearest laptop screen or TV and hit play!

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