2. Write your friends a handwritten letter. People love getting letters because it shows that you took time to write to them and the sentiment behind it is so sweet. | The Odyssey Online
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27 Ways To Be ​Kind And Have Fun With Your F​riends​

In a world where you can be anything, be kind.

27 Ways To Be ​Kind And Have Fun With Your F​riends​

In a world full of sadness, there have to be times when you need to take a break and just have fun. This can come in many forms. It isn't hard to be kind to one another, but we can often forget to do it. Even if you are having a bad day, you should still try to be kind. Just because you are having a bad day, doesn't mean you should ruin everyone else's day. Our culture has shifted to this "it's all about me" rather than thinking about others. It is so easy to get caught up in our stuff to the point where we forget that bigger things are going on around us. It is important to check up on your friends and be courteous to those around you. Even the smallest acts of kindness or fun can brighten someone's day and there are so many ways to do it.

1. Randomly give tiny gifts. It doesn't have to be anything big or expensive. It could be a comic book that your friend likes, or a heart-shaped piece of paper with a sweet message on it. 

2. Write your friends a handwritten letter. People love getting letters because it shows that you took time to write to them and the sentiment behind it is so sweet. 

3. Remembering what your friends like and dislike. Showing that you remember something that they told you means the world to people because it shows that you listened and cared enough to remember. 

4. Having inside jokes. 

5. Having long phone calls. I love having long phone calls with people. I am not entirely sure why, but I just love the feeling of knowing I can still talk to someone, no matter how long, even if they aren't there next to me. 

6. Facetiming while you are both doing something else. Just knowing that the person is there is all you really need. 

7. Cooking or baking something for your friends or family. People always appreciate free food, and the fact that you made it makes it more meaningful. (Even if it turned out horrible, at least they know you tried).

8. Send people texts when you randomly think about them. It truly makes a difference in their day.

9. Listen without judging. This is a big one. All people want is someone to listen to them.

10. Making someone laughs so hard that their whole body shakes. It is such a great feeling to make someone laugh, especially if they are feeling sad.

11. Hanging out at furniture stores and testing out every couch there is. This is a fun way to de-stress.  

12. Have deep conversations when it is deep in the night. Deep talks late at night seem to hit harder for some reason. Those are times when you can learn a lot about someone. 

13. Randomly buy flowers for someone. Everyone appreciates flowers! Except if they are allergic, then don't get them flowers. Get them artifical flowers or something.

14. Letting your friends taste your food and also tasting theirs to the point where you basically ate a fair amount off of each others plate. This may seem weird, but to me it shows a certain kind of kindness. 

15. Saying "give me that, I'll carry it for you." 

16. Helping your friends decide what to wear while also reminding them that they look amazing no matter what. Everyone needs a little confidence boost.

17. Being invovled in every bad hair decision. (Just randomly deciding to dye your friends hair pink, or just chopping it all off). 

18. Simply pay attention. The purpose of this is to see if they are doing okay, or even as a way to know more about them.

19. Be aware and understanding of someone's financial situation. Maybe every once in a while offer to pay for them.

20. Looking stupid in public together. (Dancing in stores to overplayed pop songs, singing loudly in your car). 

21. Hugging people when you say hi or goodbye to them. 

22. Be there for people even if you can't help them. Simply being there is enough. 

23. Sending them or showing them something saying that "this reminded me of you." Everyone loves getting those. 

24. Allowing people to be human with everything that this entails. People will make mistakes, but you have to learn to forgive.

25. Staying up all night to binge watch a show or a movie.

26. Don't forget to send "let me know when you get home safely" or "made it home" texts.

27. Give them space when needed.

There are so many ways to show kindness and let loose in order to have fun. It isn't a difficult thing to do. These are only a few ways to brighten someone's day. I encourage you to incorporate these things into your lives and just look for the impact they have.

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