Autumnal Musings | The Odyssey Online
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Autumnal Musings

Contrary to popular belief, fall is not my favorite season because of my birthday, pumpkin spice everything, and the change in weather.

Autumnal Musings
Distinctive Inns of New England

Fall is here, and with it comes pumpkin spice, apple cider, crisp leaves, stores stocked with discounted candy, and the eventual first snow. What is it about the fall that grasps the hearts of so many people? Maybe it is the symbolism. Students receive a fresh start in the fall with their classes, and new people are sure to become part of their lives. The old falling away can be seen in the maple leaves fluttering through the air. In New England, it is the perfect weather for long, reflective walks by yourself or with a friend. Maybe your favorite part of the fall is Thanksgiving, where each of us are encouraged to be grateful and take the time to let others know we appreciate them. Maybe you just love sitting around the kitchen table with your family while a warm candle lights up the center, and you all smell the warm apple pie cooling on the counter.

When I feel the first crisp air of autumn hit my face, my mind is flooded with memories of my childhood. Positive memories. The times I wish I could relive. There are the special moments spent running through the woods and playing on the playground with my school friends. There are the times we went apple picking and the times we got hopelessly lost in the corn maze. I remember hiking up mountains with friends and family admiring the foliage along the way. I remember doing activities with my church family in the fall such as harvest parties, game nights, and movie nights – the classic activities people remember exist once a chill is in the air.

I remember soccer seasons, late nights of homework after away games, and silly car rides. I remember reading all the Percy Jackson books in a matter of weeks and proceeding to geek out with a few friends over them, especially when new ones came out. I remember conversations that were held in the autumn air as well as long walks and runs my friends and I took together.

My absolute favorite part of this season, however, will always include memories of my former neighbors. As an only child, I was blessed to have two friends who have become much more than that over the years and still are. They were my playmates and my constant companions. Brandon was my age, and his sister, Kelsi, was younger than us by about five years. Like any 12-year-olds would, we ditched her half of the time – she did still take naps. The other half of the time, we embraced her. We were like family. We played in the leaves, raking them, jumping in them, raking them again. We pretended we were in different worlds and that we were different people living different lives that were filled to the brim with action, usually based off of a science fiction TV show called Stargate. We played a combination of hide and seek and tag which spanned both of our monstrous back yards that were lined with trees, fences, and little places to hide. We rode our bikes, drew with chalk, played cards, and when it was rainy, we picked a house and usually defaulted to Mario. We were inseparable. Those were the good old days.

Contrary to popular belief, fall is not my favorite season because of my birthday (read: red velvet cake), pumpkin spice everything, and the change in weather, all of which are things I enjoy immensely. Fall is my favorite season because of the memories I have made and times I have cherished with my friends and family.

Here's to all the good memories that have yet to be made in the fall!

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