*when Auburn started to win the game*
When you wonder if going is even worth it?
Oh, Kevin, we understand your pain. I think we know some people's thoughts for coming were definitely influenced by instagram pictures and soft pretzels.
When you think about the other lost games, and get a little heated.
Ball + No Scores = Sad Fans. Sad fans are not a good thing. Auburn's past games had not been the best, so of course, wouldn't this one not be any different?
When you wonder if you should even stay for the half.
This was a huge question we were all asking ourselves.
When you know you have to stay for the half because of bands and that flyover.
I may or may not have been this excited for half-time. And that Texas A&M Band with that satisfying form? For sure, better than any instagram slime video.
When Auburn scores, and this game may not be so bad.
Jim Halpert, you will always be the face of joy. He is perfection, so of course, I had to add him. We all had this "aha" moment that maybe we could come back.
When Texas A&M has the ball, and this could really end badly.
Same Gabe, same. Texas A&M is driving the ball down the field. Our boys are trying, but man oh man, was I ready for this game to be over.
When you won, but then didn't because the referee pushed the clock back 1 second.
At this point in the game, I was about to have a mental breakdown. Auburn catches the ball, the referee puts back the clock, and not a single person was sitting in that stadium.
When you are worried the whole "Auburn only needs 1 second" motto is about to blow up in your face.
We all had this moment of screaming "Auburn do not mess this up or I swear..." We would have never been able to live it down.
When you tell people you never doubted, but we all know that is a lie.
Did I maybe say, "I never doubted Auburn,"? Absolutely. Did I mean it? Absolutely not. I sincerely apologize to all football players I did not trust. Bravo, my friends.
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