Answers To Common Questions About Vegans
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Answers To Common Questions About Vegans

This one goes out to all of my fellow vegans... the struggle is real.

Answers To Common Questions About Vegans

Ever since I have been vegan, I have gotten common to often strange questions about this lifestyle. I can speak for most vegans when I say it can be funny when someone flips completely upside down after finding out you're vegan. However, one can also feel very defensive about the questions one gets after someone either unfamiliar with the lifestyle or just judgmental finds out about it. Being vegan is a choice and one of the best ones I've ever made, so I don't have shame in answering questions for those who simply are curious and ask nicely. I have been vegan for over 3 1/2 years now and figured I might as well answer some of the notorious questions. Here we go:

1. "What do you eat?"

I eat anything that doesn't come from an animal . . . anything that doesn't have a mother, if that is more simple. Basically, I do not eat meat (of course), milk, eggs, cheese, butter, honey (not usually), or anything that has animal derivatives, such as whey or casein. So, if something doesn't have those things, it's fair game. Vegans can eat rice, pasta, potatoes, (some) chips, (some) candy, fruits, and veggies (anything without animal products). There is a lot of ingredient checking, but hey I'm pretty fast at it by this point.

2. "How much protein do you eat? / Do you eat enough protein?"

My question to you is, do you get enough protein, maybe even too much? But to answer your question, yes, vegans do get enough protein. There is protein in everything we eat. Women aged 19-70 are supposed to get around 46 grams of protein a day and males are supposed to get 56 grams. I personally eat a lot of beans and try to refrain from a lot of processed soy meats, but the soy meats do have protein (about 12 grams per meatless vegan burger) and are tasty if you need them. However, there is protein in lentils, black beans, chickpeas, rice, potatoes, quinoa, peanuts (any nuts), kidney beans, oatmeal . . . there is a little of protein in mostly anything. You just may have to expand your horizons past meat, and plus you won't feel nearly as bloated after eating.

3. "Do you miss meat?"

I miss being able to go through a drive-through and get a variety of burgers. I miss being able to go to a restaurant and have more choices than a salad or having to adapt every single thing I order to what I can eat. I miss not being stared at when I have a "complicated order". I miss the simplicity. But, no, I cannot say that I miss contributing to the harm, the violence and the terror that is being done by humans who think they need meat to survive. And honestly, I can say that I miss how ignorant I once was instead of having to pull over the car when I see a truck of pigs or chickens so I can get my anxiety and tears under control. But, I feel so in touch with the world now. So no, long story short, I don't miss meat and the horrible and inconsiderate violence that comes along with it.

4. "Does vegan food even taste good?"

This is a pretty humorous question I get often. I do recognize that some people really do not realize that "vegan food" is stuff like fruits, vegetables, chips, potatoes, rice, pasta (not egg patsa), bread, etc. However, after realizing that, if you still ask the question, I have to assume that you have never eaten anything but meat, eggs, and cheese for your entire life, which would be very tragic. Seriously though, I think people are talking about things like tofu, meatless meat (yes, it exists), and dairy-free cheese. If that's the case, it all varies. One doesn't (usually) eat tofu plain but seasons it or adds other foods to it. Meatless meat varies by brand for sure because some is terrible while some (such as Gardein) is amazing. Dairy-free products definitely vary by taste, so you would need to try them to see which is your favorite because there are mixed views all around. Yes, "vegan food" tastes good. We do not suffer, trust me I make vegan doughnuts. And veganism is cholesterol-free, so that's always a bonus.

5. "How do you do that? I couldn't do that."

First of all, you shouldn't doubt yourself. When I first when vegetarian, my body had to detox from the meat, so yes, the first week wasn't fun. But, when I went vegan a few months later, it was easier because I knew I just had to take it slow and had more of an idea of what to eat. If you do want to become vegan, or even vegetarian for that matter, take it slow. If you don't, you will get discouraged. Look up what vegans eat; look up vegan recipes; go to the grocery store and start checking ingredients on your favorite foods. Do you like tacos? Try to use meatless meat or black beans. If you "need" cheese, go dairy-free. Some brands won't be very good to you, and that's okay. Being vegan takes time, respect and definitely patience. Go in with a positive outlook instead of thinking that you are punishing yourself (you're not, by the way, and your body will thank you). If you want to be vegan, research first. Trust me, it's better to do it before than while you are hungry with no idea of what to eat.

All in all, don't knock it before you try it. And if you try it, don't go from eating meat and dairy to ONLY eating vegetables and fruits. You will feel terrible (too much of a difference for your body) and you will cave and forever hate on people who succeed. Don't be that person (there are enough of them already). Vegans are open to questions, always, but please think about what you say before you say it. Most vegans, myself included, aren't trying to offend you or make you feel dumb for not knowing what a vegan is and for not being vegan. If you really do care though, do some research and see what you find. You will be amazed.

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