Aquarius: “Soooo vote pink?” (January 20 - February 18) | The Odyssey Online
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This Is Exactly The Kind Of Among Us Player You Are According To Your Zodiac Sign

How you play among the stars is in the stars.

This Is Exactly The Kind Of Among Us Player You Are According To Your Zodiac Sign

If you're a human being right now, chances are you've played Among Us. The online excitement caused by this game is parallel perhaps only to the 2016 surge of Pokémon GO, and it's well-deserved.

The mobile game is simple, fun, and easy to play with friends, even from a pandemic-safe distance.

But it's not only a game but it's also a cultural phenomenon. I've seen TikToks,

I've seen cartoons, I've seen memes, I've seen voter encouragement, I've even seen heartbreaking stories of little Among Us children losing their parents that may or may not have made me tear up.

So it only makes sense that the way you play the game is written in the stars.

Here's how you play Among Us based on your zodiac sign.

Aries: “Orange sus” (March 21 - April 19)

Hero Fandom

Obviously chooses red, and probably has a funny username. Aries are passionate and courageous, but also impatient and aggressive, and want things to move quickly. They always lead the meetings and are quick to accuse, even if they have no proof.

Never the impostor, but if they are, it's for five rounds in a row. Get super defensive if accused, but try to talk their way out of it. Usually wins.

Taurus: “Finish your tasks!” (April 20 - May 20)


Picks dark green and gets annoyed if they join a game where someone else has already taken their color. Tauruses are reliable, practical, and stubborn, so if they think someone's the impostor, they won't budge until they're voted off.

That said, they never accuse without proof, and are the most believable when arguing. No one ever thinks they're sus, and they're super cautious as an impostor. First to finish tasks.

Gemini: “Where was everyone?” (May 21 - June 20)

City PNG

Always lime but don't get too pressed about their color. Paid two dollars to get a little friend to follow them around. Geminis are curious, adaptable, and inconsistent, so they get accused at least once per round, whether they're the impostor or not.

Geminis dislike being alone, so they always try to team up with someone, which works half the time, and the other half they get accused of following them. Always first to ask “where" when a body is reported, and grills people during the voting periods. Rarely wins as impostor.

Cancer: “Purple, want to be friends?” (June 21 - July 22)

City PNG

Picks white has a cute username, and always wears a hat. Cancers are loyal, sympathetic, and suspicious, so they're either your best friend or they accuse you.

Usually plays with a friend but doesn't tell anyone else in the game they're together. Never gets caught as an impostor but rarely kills anyone - can just talk their way out of any accusations and get others voted off until they win.

Makes friends in the lobby and refuses to vote them off, even if the friend vents in front of them. They will not give any personal information, however, so they're just friends for the night.

Leo: “Swear it wasn’t me” (July 23 - August 22)

Cheat Vercel

Picks orange every time, will leave a game if someone else already has it. Leos are creative, cheerful, and self-centered. Very talkative, the funny one in the lobby. If they get a task they don't like doing, they simply won't do it.

Will always skip if they're not completely sure about someone unless they're accused, in which case they vote for their accuser. Love figuring out who the impostor is because they feel like a detective.

Typically play with people they know over FaceTime. Always say “gg."

Virgo: “Cyan faked a task” (August 23 - September 22)


Consistently yellow, has a clever username. Virgos are analytical, practical, and critical, and they look at the game like a puzzle. Will only talk if they have definite proof but are never wrong.

Would not accuse without proof, but their intuition can typically tell them exactly who it is within the first few minutes.

Always wins as an impostor because they can convince anyone not to vote for them, will make friends if the situation arises but it's not really their goal. Loves cams and emergency meetings.

Libra: “Green is good he was with me” (September 23 - October 22)


Always picks pink when they can, but they're okay with sharing colors. Libras are cooperative, fair-minded, and avoid confrontation, so they keep quiet during meetings unless their backing someone up.

Sometimes leads to them being kicked off for not talking enough. Loves when they make friends but doesn't like to initiate it. If someone voted them off unfairly they will wait until they become impostor and make them their first kill.

Votes to kill whoever is suggested first. Usually the first one killed.

Scorpio: “I saw white vent” (October 23 - November 21)

City PNG

Always chooses black because they think it helps them blend in. Username is “i" or something short to help them hide as well. Scorpios are resourceful, passionate, and distrusting, and they get frustrated when people play the game passively.

Makes friends in the lobby but doesn't trust anyone during the game, tries to stay away from people while doing their tasks. Always runs to fix lights, but will turn around if people are already on it.

Absolutely dominates as impostor often wins before the first body is reported. Never vents.

Sagittarius: “Lets vote lime he’s been quiet” (November 22 - December 21)


Usually dark blue and loves to change their hat. Sagittarius is idealistic, free-spirited, and will say anything, even if it's undiplomatic. Runs around like crazy during the lobby and whenever they finish their tasks.

Quick to accuse, even without proof, just to keep the game high-energy. Don't care too much when they're a ghost because they can finish tasks quicker and go through walls. LOVE to vent as an imposter.

Capricorn: “It’s red he doubled back in electrical” (December 22 - January 19)


Always uses the bear ears and brown so they look like a bear. Capricorns are responsible, disciplined, and condescending. Always watch cams because they like knowing.

Tend to call emergency meetings to accuse people based on how fast they ran or some other technicality, not because they saw them vent or fake a task. Wins the game every time. Honestly a crazy impressive player but sometimes hard to play with because they solve it so quickly.

Dislikes when other people call emergency meetings.

Aquarius: “Soooo vote pink?” (January 20 - February 18)

Devian Art

Always picks cyan because they think it's the prettiest, Aquariuses are good listeners, independent, and uncompromising. They're the hardest player to read because they fly just under the radar.

Prefers to play with friends but will play with anyone. Gets angry when they accuse someone and they aren't believed. Will leave a game if its too boring, but otherwise are very good at finishing tasks.

Average impostor, not awful, not exceptional, but always difficult to read. Always sabotages o2.

Pisces: “Orange was following me a lot but I’m not trying to accuse” (February 19 - March 20)


Pisces pick purple and paid for two Among Us children to play with. Gets super sad when they see their children sitting there after they've died. Pisces are compassionate, intuitive, and overly trusting.

Always try to make a friend or follow someone around, although this sometimes leads to them being killed. Disappointed in themselves if they vote someone off who's not the impostor.

Never goes to fix lights because they think they'll get killed. Honestly really good at guessing it but they rarely say for fear of voting out the wrong person. Stalks their killer as a ghost.

Does your sign match up with how you play Among Us?

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