If American Girl Dolls Were College Majors
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If American Girl Dolls Were College Majors

What is your childhood favorite studying?

If American Girl Dolls Were College Majors
Paste magazine

As a 90's baby, I'd say I had my fair share of experiences with iconic childhood toys that were popular way before iPads, Fidget Spinners, and Pokemon Go.

I actually played outside and used my imagination for the majority of my playtime. My all-time favorite toy was the classic American Girl Doll. I dreamt of going to The American Girl Doll store in New York, spent hours carefully dressing each of my 5 (yes, 5) dolls, and scoured the monthly magazine for more clothes and accessories to beg my mom for because I ~needed~ a dog for my dolls.

Now, as a sophomore in college, I got to thinking. What major would each of the classic American Girl Dolls' choose? Here's a definitive list of each doll and the major they would absolutely choose if they were real.

1. Kaya: Leadership and Management

Kaya's story focuses on the themes of leadership and bravery, making her the perfect candidate for a major in, you guessed it, leadership. I mean, this is a doll who's inspiration was a female warrior named Swan Circling. And I mean, I would take a girl with braids as thick as those seriously, wouldn't you?

2. Felicity: History

Felicity grew up in the heartland of American history (Williamsburg, VA) during the pinnacle point of our nation's birth. This is a girl who lives, eats and breathes history and she honestly looks like the type who wouldn't let you forget it. (She strategically places those pretentious curls around her face to look more like one of the founding father's). Also, she'd be an active member of the equestrian club because c'mon, just look at her.

3. Josefina: Nursing

Josefina's dream was to be a "healer" like her grandmother. Personally, the term "healer" sounds a little voodoo to me but I guess it correlates with nursing? Plus, those hoop earrings show she's not afraid of needles, which is important.

4. Kirsten: English

Her bangs and looped double braids say it all. She looks like the girl who spends all of her free time curled away in a corner reading every book she can get her hands on. When she's not reading, she's avidly trying to start a book club with her friends, but finds that only her cat and the elderly woman across the street show up, meaning she can't debate the likability of Holden in 'Catcher in the Rye' without her club falling asleep on her or scratching her leg.

5. Addy: African American Studies

Okay, just hear me out. She's a child of the Civil War. A literal fugitive slave that escaped the south and made it successfully to Philadelphia (easily the most badass of them all). But, she was a child when all of this happened and she wants to know more about her past so she can accurately put on a one-woman show depicting the true events of the underground railroad.

6. Samantha: Sociology/Women's Studies

A girl of the early 1900's, Samantha actively spoke out against child labor laws, classism, and gender inequality. She watched her aunt hold meetings about the woman's suffrage movement and she was the type that was ready to stand up for what she believed in. But, judging from her plaid dress, turtleneck, and matching bow combo, she looks like the type who won't stand for gender inequality but has been born in the wrong decade and has been forced into the suffocating, gender role enforcing upper-class.

7. Kit: Elementary Education

Her sweater set, innocent blue eyes, and blonde bob say it all. I'd love to see her crack under the pressure of a kindergarten classroom filled with one kid crying, another that peed himself, one that won't listen, and a kid who glued his art project to his face.

8. Molly: Journalism

Molly's wire rim glasses and steely-grey eyes look like she means business and won't stop until she gets answers. Also, because she's the only one with glasses, that means she can easily disguise herself to go undercover for an investigative piece since far too many people believe that when you take glasses off a girl, it changes their appearance entirely. Don't agree? Watch any rom-com ever that involves a makeover scene, you'll agree.

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