Within the past month, America has been struggling with violence and pain. There have been deathly targets towards the LGBTQ and Black communities, along with the men and women whom defend us, that were uncalled for. Some may say that history may not repeat itself, but it most certainly has.
On July 6th of 2016, in Minnesota, Philando Castile was driving his car with his girlfriend Falcon Height's along with their four-year old daughter in the back seat. They were pulled over by a police officer whom asked for Castile's license and registration. Now most men have their license in their back pocket, therefore Castile reaches towards his back pocket to retrieve it. Before doing so he obeys the law and informs the officer that he has a permit and firearm on his person. The officer, instead of asking him to step out of the vehicle to retrieve the gun, acts out of fear because of the color of Castile's skin. He then shoots him four times in the arm with his child in the car watching her father take his last breath. This was a man who has been declared to have a warm heart and no criminal record. He worked along children at a school in Minnesota, and was respected by many.
This behavior is unacceptable for a police officer in any situation. Officers should not be willing to automatically shoot until there is no other option. But I ask, what was his reasoning? Was he scared for his life, even though he had a protective vest on and he could have easily stopped himself getting shot in that case.
The entire incident could have been avoided if the officers involved had reacted in a more calm manner. These men and women should be protecting citizens, but instead of letting them on their way to get a new tail light, a man lost his God given life. I strongly believe that if it had been a white male, whom had a concealed firearm with a tail light out, the story would have ended a lot differently.
Following the murder of Castile, Alton Sterling was tackled and shot by police officers in New Orleans. Sterling was outside selling CD's that he had a permit for. He was then approached by a homeless man who was consistent in asking for money. Sources say that Sterling then flashed his gun at the said homeless man and 911 was called for a "man outside the convenient store with a gun". Now to me, coming from the south, tons of people have guns they "show off" to scare others. Not saying that this should have been Sterling's answer to get rid of the homeless man, but it was taken too far.
Two officers then appeared at the store where Sterling was working. They then tackle him to the ground and begin yelling in his face. Sterling never once is seen reaching for his gun, but the officers continue to scream in his face using provocative language and swearing to God. This again is not the type of behavior people in uniform should have. Sterling should have had his gun confiscated with just a body pat down. Instead he was also shot dead at the scene.
Academies can't let in men and women with aggression towards certain races or persons. That is what leads to loved human beings being killed for unruly reasons.
Black lives matter in the instance of these two men and the many other men and women who have been killed by police or other acts of hate towards the race. Black lives matter because they are our brothers and sister even if you don't want to accept that. God made black people as well, and if you want to get nitty gritty, we actually all stem from Africa. Black lives matter because they bleed the same blood as white people or anyone else. We are all human beings, with the same organs and body parts, same potential to love and to learn.
And yet there is another shooting. Micah Xavier Johnson shot and killed five officers, while wounding 7 more, on July 7th in Dallas, Texas. He was military veteran who served this country, but was outraged with the previous killings of Sterling and Castile. It was a show down of gun fire at a supposed to be peaceful protest and mourning for the two lost men from the previous day. Johnson was upset with white people and specifically white officers, and sources say he "wanted them dead".
This too is not acceptable for our country. We should be able to listen to people before firearms should have to be attempted. Johnson should not have gone after officers who had nothing to do with these incidents. But their punishment is not up to him, they are up to the state and their employers, so what will shooting officers do except make them fear for their lives which will cause more of them to shoot people they are afraid of.
It's people like Johnson that give a bad reputation for the innocent people that get shot. And its men like the officers who murdered Sterling and Castile that people can't trust. Our nation should come together and learn to communicate between different parties.
In the incident of Dallas, Blue Lives and All Lives Matter. I had a Sociology class, and in instances of multiple races being targeted, it should be classified as All Lives that matter at that time, because all races are being harmed. But when it is specifically Blacks, or any other race, it is specific for them, therefore Black Lives matter in these cases.
Learn to love the people around you. Learn to open up and listen to someone other than yourself and your views.