Abby Wambach brings the Wolfpack to Seattle
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Abby Wambach brings the Wolfpack to Seattle

Abby Wambach took a stop on her Wolfpack book tour in Seattle to spread her knowledge and inspiration to everyone who attended.

Abby Wambach brings the Wolfpack to Seattle

Okay y'all I will be the first to say that pre-2015 I had no clue what the game of soccer was even about. I had heard of the US Women's National Team and such, but I would not call myself a true "fan" by any means. I got my first taste of the USWNT from the 2015 world cup win and I have been hooked ever since.

When I found out tickets went on sale to get to see Abby Wambach talk about her new book "Wolfpack" I jumped on the opportunity. In the book she tells us 8 "new rules" that explore topics of how women can come together, unleash our power, and change this game we call life. Yesterday I found myself all alone in the big city of Seattle, looking for the venue that the event would be held in. I showed up two hours before it started and there were three people in line to my surprise. Two more roll in right after me including Carol. My friend Carol whom I got to know a little bit about as we stood in line for the what seemed like an eternity was very nice so, shout out to Carol if you are reading this.

Fast forward to when the doors were opened, and we got our seats comfortably in the second row because the first one is blocked off with reserved signs. The few of us who were in line together are wondering who on earth could be sitting here, Megan Rapinoe? Sue Bird? I even had small hope of Tobin Heath, but I knew I was reaching with that one. Well to poop on our party it just seemed to just be family and friends of Abby. And then for the main event…

Abby Wambach, Abby freakin Wambach. Two-time Olympic Gold medalist (she was insistent that we don't forget the Gold part of that), 2015 Women's World Cup Champion, world record holder for most international goals for both female and male soccer players was right in front of me. Someone not only I look up to but so many women look up to for her drive and persistence on the subject of equality for all women. Dazzling us with her Wolfpack jumpsuit and all white studded high-tops and that bleached out iconic hair. Like seriously who couldn't love this woman.

Like I said in the book Wambach outlines 8 new rules for people, I say people because while Abby identifies as a woman, these rules are universal and can be applied to any person or situation.

Rule #1:

Old rule: Stay on the path.

New Rule: Create your own path.

Abby was joined by an interviewer whom I do not know the name of, but we dove into what the "Wolfpack" really is and where it came from." We have all heard the children's story of little red riding hood she says. Where a girl is told if she stays on the path and does what she is told then everything will be fine. Well I don't know about you, but I suck at doing what I am told and in the words of Abby herself "Everything good that has happened to me, has happened because I went off the path" (or something to that effect). She told us this all stemmed when at the 2016 ESPYS she was given an Icon Award with NBA and NFL stars Kobe Bryant and Peyton Manning. "When the clapping stopped, and the cameras turned off I realized the three of us are all walking into three verydifferent retirements." Which was true, Bryant and Manning had to figure out where they were going to invest their millions and Abby had to figure out how she was going to pay her mortgage. Abby explained that she became angry, and from this anger, wolfpack was born.

Rule #2:

Old Rule: Be grateful for what you have.

New Rule: Be grateful for what you have AND demand what you deserve.

So, you may or may not have heard but the current USWNT player pool filed a lawsuit against the U.S. Soccer Federation for "institutionalized gender discrimination" toward the team. The lawsuit was filed under the Equal Pay Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act. Long story short they want fair representation and fair pay. And before you few readers with the "get back to the kitchen" mindset decide to make a comment on men making more money than the women therefore justifying why they are getting paid more. Check your facts, in 2015 the U.S. Women's National team turned a profit of 6.6 million dollars, the men, earned just under 2 million. Abby brought a good point last night that filing this lawsuit when they did was a huge statement on their part. In two short months these women are playing in the most important tournament for soccer there is and filing this now is a strong power move. These women are demanding what they deserve and taking hold of their careers and the careers for all the young women looking up to them. Sometimes you have to put everything you've got on the line and that is exactly what they are doing. Abby says in her book and restated last night that she wishes she would have done more while on the team to combat the sexism and pay gap. But when you are part of such an elite organization, especially as a woman, you have to watch what you say and do. Now that Abby isn't bound by those constraints, she can say whatever the current players can't and is sure as shit is saying it.

Rule #3:

Old Rule: Wait for permission to lead.

New Rule: Lead now - from wherever you are.

I think every woman ever in the history of women can relate to this rule. I recently attended a talk on Imposter Syndrome and Abby said even she sometimes suffers from this. If you do not know what imposter syndrome is, it is when a person doubts themselves and their accomplishments and fears being exposed as a fraud. For example, Abby is on the board for the "Verizon Media something or other" and Serena Williams is/was the head of the board I believe. Anyway, during a meeting a question was asked to members of the board on the topic of women's sports. One of the NFL players sitting on the board decided to answer the question himself. At first Abby says she didn't do anything just sat there, the thought came to her head like "uh bruh wtf are you doing" but that imposter syndrome crept up and silenced her for a few moments. Then the Abby we all know and love eventually came to the party and interrupted him to give her two cents, but its situations like this that women fall victim to everyday. I mean who better to speak on women's sports than Serena Williams or Abby? I mean Diana Taurasi is a personal fav but let's stick to the point. If you identify as woman regardless of age, race, location, job, or socioeconomic status, you are valid. And you can lead you deserve to lead right now whether that means leading the next project or simply leading a volunteer opportunity for the office. Flaunt it like you got it honey because you do, I believe in you and I know Abby would too.

Rule #4:

Old Rule: Failure means you're out of the game.

New Rule: Failure means you're finally IN the game.

Failure is a part of life, no one person can say that they have never failed at something before, that is one of the few things we as humans all have in common. In the book Abby speaks about her commentating the men's 2016 UFEA European Championship. She says that while the other commentators were able to easily speak about the game, players, and stats, she was left silent in a state of embarrassment. We can all agree most retired athletes usually go into commentating or working in the field somehow so, for such a soccer icon to not be able to commentate soccer was a little weird. Abby failed as she says at the end of the chapter, but that's okay. She uses the example that she "Crossed being a commentator of her list and kept throwing darts." Well in my opinion she hit a bullseye with this new gig. If every year or every few years I got to sit at a book signing and listen to the same 2011 "Header assisted by Megan Rapinoe in double overtime at the World Cup" story you bet, I'd be there. I'd pay to hear it too. The point of all of this is its okay to fail. Even the best of the best fail and as cliché as it is when one door closes another open. So set your sights high because when Pinoe kicked that ball to Abby over the goalie and defender in 2011, you bet your ass she aimed high, and it paid off. "A woman who doesn't give up can never lose."

Rule #5:

Old Rule: Be against each other.

New Rule: Be FOR each other.

This chapter was by far my favorite. Soccer is one of those low scoring sports so when the ball goes in the net you kinda have to go wild. The crowd goes wild, the commentators go wild, and the best part, the players go wild. We all know Abby is the best when it comes to scoring, you can't deny that. But each goal has an assist, and someone had to be in the right place at the right time for the ball to move between the defense and into the net. It truly is a team effort and when Abby celebrates her goals she points. "I point to the teammate who assisted. I point to the defender who protected us. I point to the midfielder who ran tirelessly. I point to the coach who dreamed up this play… etc." Point being that in life each victory is for the masses and while we should celebrate ourselves and the part, we had to play in it. We have to celebrate those who pushed us, who helped us, who were right by our sides the whole way through. And on the flip side when we are the supporters, the ones who stayed up late and came to every practice or meeting but didn't necessarily get all the credit, we have to rush and take each individual win and turn it into a team win. "Here's what rushing and pointing look like off the field: We amplify each other's voices. We dement seats for all women at every table decisions are made. We celebrate other's successes. We express gratitude and give credit to those who contributed to our own successes. And when one of us falls we support her rise."

Rule #6:

Old Rule: Play it safe. Pass the ball.

New Rule: Believe in yourself. Demand the ball.

I really hate the saying "There is no I in team" because it takes every ounce of self-discipline I have to be like "well no, but there sure is a me." I really don't get it why can individuality be part of a team. Anyway, this rule kind of overshadowed the whole night, and the whole book. Abby says in the book how when her and Glennon got together she was afraid of being a stepmother. She also spoke about it last night and tells us about the beautiful thing that they call their family. They being Glennon, Abby, and Glennon's ex-husband Craig. The three of them were able to put their differences aside and co-parent so that they could love their kids together. Abby said something beautiful that really stuck with me. She said the best thing Craig did was give his kids permission to love me. Opening the door for Abby to take the position as a parent and create an environment for the kids to grow. Often times even when it's not in the context of family we read too much into the situation and all the strings attached. Sometimes you have to take things into your own hands, demand the ball and score the damn goal.

Rule #7:

Old Rule: Lead with dominance. Create followers.

New Rule: Lead with humanity. Cultivate leaders.

Probably my favorite part of the whole event night last night was during the question and answer when a young girl comes to the mic and says, "How can I create my own Wolfpack." Abby immediately got up and gave the girl a hug and asked the crowd "Who here wants to be in her wolfpack?!" All of us cheered and raised our hands. That moment right there is what this whole thing is about, young girls like her feel captivated to create change and community for women. If we lead by example and with humility, it teaches our children that they too can be leaders. You don't need permission to change the world, find your wolfpack and lead them.

Rule #8

Old Rule: You're on your own.

New Rule: You're not alone. You've got your pack.

To end this book Abby explains that she took a break from training and exercising after her retirement. When it came time to get back into it, it was hell. She hated running, I mean come on it's really the worst. But for someone who had exercised and trained day in and day out her whole life to hate it that much was odd. Her wife pointed out that before, Abby had her team, her Pack essentially. Every step of the way they were there with her struggling through every step. Now it's just her, out on the roads of Florida trying to outrun the alligators and what not. Point being we are now her pack, all of us who have assumed the role as part of Abby Wambach's wolfpack are one. Together were going to change the frickin world. People all over have been marginalized for any and every reason man could come up with. But now we are moving forward together to take everything we deserve from this world and more.

July 5th, 2015 when the USWNT won the world cup it was electrifying. It felt like a win for all women and a sense of pride filled every person that watched, that is something I will never forget. I felt a similar sense of pride when Abby walked into that sanctuary last night. I am just a freshman in college who survives off of SparkNotes and Starbucks but with women like those on the national team to look up to it kind of gives me a sense of purpose.

To Abby, thank you. Thank you for being you and for showing women all over that they are valid, they are worth it, and everything that they do has meaning. Thank you for representing this country and not letting any man step in the way of your success. You are pretty badass. I don't know you for your soccer career I know you for all the work that you do so that one day I don't have to ask a man for permission to achieve my dreams. #Wolfpack #tbiytc.

Everything in this post is my opinion and take on the book and talk so don't sue me thanks :)

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