A Modern Farce: The Green New Deal | The Odyssey Online
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A Modern Farce: The Green New Deal

A resolution that reads like a Christmas list, when it should be an instruction manual.

A Modern Farce: The Green New Deal

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The Green New Deal is the newest piece of legislation that top Democrats are pushing for. Rep. Ocasio-Cortez's devoted following of hard left idealists are thrilled with the so-called 'revolutionary' proposal. Anyone with any knowledge of the legislative system, and of the current climate of said system, knows that this bill will not be signed into law, let alone get past the Senate. Ocasio-Cortez is proposing a piece of legislation, knowing full well that it will not become law, simply to promote herself, and appease her followers. To them, she's courageous and unafraid. Someone who cares about passing legislation to help the environment, and reversing the effects of climate change would seek to pass bills that are bipartisan, cost-effective and capable of successfully moving through the system. Instead she chose to compile a massive wishlist of her ideal world, with no real, feasible options to produce these results. Here are just a few examples of her ill-defined goals and lacking ideas for how to carry them out.

Meet 100% of U.S. Power Demand Through ​​Zero Emission Energy Sources.

What is an example of a zero emission energy source? Don't know? Thats okay Ocasio-Cortez doesn't know either, she's just hoping she'll figure it out along the way. And she's a Congresswoman; Don't give up on your dreams kids. That's right, 'zero emission energy sources' are mentioned quite a few times in this resolution, but not once is an example besides 'including electrification' mentioned. Now, for the American people to sign on to a fairly expensive (an understatement) piece of legislation, shouldn't there be specific issues outlined with clear, spelled out solutions? Or does she think the American people should stay out of matters concerning their hard-earned money?

Upgrade all Existing Buildings in the United States. 

5.6 Million. As of 2012, there were about 5.6 million commercial buildings in the United States. Add to that an additional 306,000 government buildings, and 55,000 government-leased buildings. This probably goes without saying, but that is a lot of buildings. Outlined in this resolution is a list of desired upgrades that includes: maximal energy efficiency, water efficiency, safety, affordability, comfort, and durability. These things all sound great, right? What features constitute 'maximal water efficiency', or 'maximal energy efficiency'? We need to know in order to further understand what this bill is asking for, but Ocasio-Cortez doesn't think its necessary to know, or maybe she just doesn't know herself. This request is not feasible, and here is why: The cost would be astronomical. If the federal government is charged with paying for it, it won't pass. If the state governments are charged with paying, it still won't pass. If companies are charged with financing these upgrades, the cost will place an undue burden on the backs of small businesses, causing cost increases, and rampant business failure. This is not to say that upgrades aren't needed, however, there is wisdom in learning to walk before you try to run. Small parts of this bill could be feasible with proper examples and plans of action, but this wish list will never pass, not in our legislative system, and not with the current legislative makeup.

Eliminate Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Agricultural Sector.

One of the greenhouse gases that the agricultural sector emits is methane. The molecular formula for methane is CH4. According to the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), domestic livestock such as cattle, buffalo, sheep, and goats produce large amounts of CH4 as part of their normal digestive process. Now, we will never be able to stop the digestive process of livestock, unless of course we do away with livestock. I for one, don't think that's an option, because I like burgers far too much. The EPA also says that when animals' manure is stored or managed in lagoons or holding tanks, CH4 is produced. Manure is used by farmers to fertilize soil and add nutrients, such as nitrogen, to it. Clearly, just based off of the fact that livestock produce methane, it is impossible to 'eliminate' pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector. The resolution says this will be done by investing in sustainable farming practices, but lacks any examples of what exactly those are. These sustainable farming practices will also come at a cost to farmers, to which the resolution states the government will 'support family farms', again with no examples of how exactly to do that.

Build a More Sustainable Food System that Ensures Universal Access to Healthy Food.

First of all, what constitutes healthy food? In order to ensure that all Americans have access to healthy food, there needs to be a precise definition of what 'healthy food' is. Furthermore, what is a sustainable food system? What exactly does she propose is done to produce this type of system? In The Green New Deal resolution, there is no method provided for building a more sustainable food system. Not only do we not know exactly what it is we are to work toward, we also do not know how to do it, and neither does Rep. Ocasio-Cortez.

Overhaul Transportation Systems in the United States to Eliminate Pollution and Greenhouse Gas Emissions from the Transportation sector.

Again, the resolution uses the word 'eliminate', which means finding an entirely new way to travel by air, train, car, and boat. All of these forms use fuel and produce emissions. There has been research and development into electric air travel, but we are far from introducing large scale commercial electric air travel, and it will take much longer than 10 years. When it comes to cars, electric vehicles are far more expensive than their internal combustion counterparts owned by middle class Americans. I don't know that this resolution is meant to insinuate that it will impose pressures on Americans to convert, but if it is, it will place a heavy economic strain on many Americans. The only suggestion for how to overhaul transportation in order to eliminate all pollution and emissions, is 'high-speed rail'. High-speed rails are powered by electricity, therefore they produce no greenhouse gases. According to CityLab, an extension of The Atlantic, however, unless high-speed rail travel reduces emissions by more than what it generates during construction, the project may not be worthwhile from an environmental perspective. Even if we introduce this mode of travel, it can't replace the utility of planes, cars, and boats. It is impossible to completely eliminate pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector.

Guaranteeing a Job with a Family-Sustaining Wage, Adequate Family and Medical Leave, Paid Vacations, and Retirement Security to all People of the United States. 

This, of all the included proposals, is the most problematic. How can the government 'guarantee' anyone, let alone everyone, a job? What if there aren't any jobs available? What if they are a terrible worker; how can a company be expected to hire them? Is their answer to expand government employment, and expanding the government larger than the monstrosity it is today? This sounds like a socialist dystopian movie. Everyone is born and assigned a job for the government, and we all wear gray jumpsuits and eat our pre-apportioned food provided by the government. Oh and don't forget the thought police! With Ocasio-Cortez in office that notion can't be far away.

Investing in Community Designed Projects and Strategies. 

This statement is used multiple times throughout the resolution as a means for producing particular goals. There should be specific issues laid and examples of effected communities and solutions specific to them. This is far too vague to commit the United State's budget to. It feels lazy, and fiscally irresponsible.

....As much as Technologically Feasible. 

This statement is also mentioned multiple times as their explanation on how to achieve any of this. What is the most technologically feasible? Did she even do the research? How much do these technologically feasible options cost?

By now it should be clear that this is a wish list. There are few—if any procedures laid out to produce any of these goals. The strategies that are suggested, are extremely vague. This bulky, yet lacking resolution, includes goals that are admirable, but no realistic means to get there. I believe that Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez created this resolution as a way of appeasing her followers and revving her support among idealists. If she actually cared to pass legislation to help the environment and fight climate change, she would have opted to submit smaller increments of this list with clear solutions and plans of action, that are both feasible, and cost-effective. Instead she chose to draft a resolution with large goals, strategies that are lacking in proper and complete research, and no proposal for smooth transition into these drastic overhauls of the transportation, agricultural, and industrial sectors. AOC is no better than any other politician (probably worse, actually) and cares more about her image than actually producing helpful, and feasible policy.

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