As my dating experiences continue to increase, I have come to the realization that I am not the only girl who has experienced both the fabulous dates and the completely disaster dates. While dating can be fun, sometimes the boys you meet are just not the right one. After many dates, I have come to realize that I have dated many different guys and yet I cannot seem to find what I am looking for.
Now even though we can’t always categorize people, chances are you’ve probably dated one of these guys. Maybe it worked out for you, but it definitely didn’t work out for me.
1. The Nerd
This is the guy who makes you feel stupid without even trying to. He is the kind of guy who knows anything and everything usually. While he may be great when it comes to studying and tutoring, if he makes you feel stupid because you’re not as smart as him, then he needs to get the boot.
2. The Jokester
HAHAHA. He thinks he’s so funny, playing little dirty tricks on you. This is the guy you can always have fun with and the one who will always know how to make you laugh. This is the guy you want to have around when you are having a bad day. He will know just how to cheer you up. However, don’t forget that sometimes you need to be serious and if he doesn’t know how to be serious when he needs to be then adios to him.
3. The Food Mooch
This is the boy who always wants to eat, whether it's your food, going out to eat, etc. Most of your dates turn into eating dates. They say that the best way to a guy’s heart is through his stomach, and this type of guy fits this saying to a T. The only downside to this kind of guy is he might not ever share his food with you.
4. The Mystery Man
This the guy who you can’t seem to figure out. He is the one who leads you on, and then disappears, and comes back when you think its over. He’s the one you don’t know how to describe when you talk to your friends about him. Chances are, he’s got a story; but if he can’t open up with you, then its time to say buh-bye.
5. The Bad Boy
Ahhh yes, the bad boy. I’m sure we have all dated one of these. He is the one who your parents don’t approve of. He gives you this adrenaline rush because you know he’s bad. But don’t forget bad habits are hard to break. He might be exciting and make you feel rebellious, but he also might just be the one to break your heart. Be careful.
6. The Total Jock
All he does is workout, watch sports, play sports, eat, repeat. If you two are sitting at home watching TV, he will put on a sports game. He might be hot and a nice piece of arm candy, but if he doesn’t have anything else about him, drop him.
7. The Fuck Boy
RUN WHILE YOU CAN. THIS IS AN SOS. DO NOT STAY WITH THIS ONE. This boy only wants to get in your pants. He is not worth it. He is the king of playing games. He will break your heart before you even have time to think about it. He only talks to you when he wants something and he disappears after he gets what he wants. Get out asap. Tell him boi byyeeeee.
8. The Lazy Guy
I’m going to tell you right away, this boy is bad news. No matter how hard you try, you can’t change his lazy ways. He will never be the one to initiate making plans, and if he does, chances are all he wants to do is chill at someone’s house and watch tv. If he doesn’t know how to make plans to go out sometimes, get out while you can.
9. The Socially Awkward
This is the guy who you aren’t quite sure how to bring around your friends because being social definitely isn’t his specialty. His awkwardness is cute and if you are a social person, then you balance it out. He might be worth keeping around, unless his awkwardness becomes too difficult for you to deal with.