9 Health Benefits To Drinking Tea
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9 Health Benefits To Drinking Tea

Tea or coffee? Consider these health benefits of tea and the next time you have to choose, you may skip the cup of joe.

9 Health Benefits To Drinking Tea
AZ Teas

Did you know know that tea can not only improve your skin and help keep you fit and trim, but that it also does amazing things for your health?

Tea has been around for thousands of years. Through that time, the Chinese have drunk it for everything from hangover prevention to weight control and common cold reduction. Now, modern scientific research has given us a much better insight into how tea improves health and to what benefit.

True tea, or that from the Camellia sinensis plant, includes white, green, oolong, black and pu-erh. All of them contain antioxidants, catechins, and polyphenols, which positively impact our bodies.

Let's dive into what the research shows.

1. Lowered cholesterol

Media-favorite green tea was found to help lower cholesterol, both total serum cholesterol and LDL. Most sources suggest five cups per day will provide results, but multiple studies have shown that higher consumption leads to the biggest drop in cholesterol.

Tea is thought to work by inhibiting the absorption of cholesterol from the large intestine. Among the Chinese, pu-erh tea is the most renowned in its ability to lower cholesterol, though only minimal clinical research has investigated this traditional belief.

2. Blindness prevention

Since tea contains high levels of antioxidants, it is not surprising that studies have found them in eye tissue In fact, drinking tea can help to prevent the blindness caused by cataracts (the clouding of the lens inside the eye).

3. Reduced cortisol levels

Cortisol is the stress hormone that contributes to belly fat and makes your skin age quicker. One recent study suggested four cups of tea per day may make your cortisol levels spike less.

If you're looking to have cortisol levels drop back down to normal faster after a stressful event, one study suggested daily consumption of tea for six weeks will do just that (as compared to placebo).

Both studies found that tea consumption may reduce the impact of cortisol, thus slowing the aging process and preventing the widening of your mid-section.

4. Anti-inflammatory

Active compounds in tea can help to lower levels of inflammation and inflammatory reactions. Inflammation is connected to almost every modern ailment, including arthritis, metabolic syndrome, and depression. Inflammation can also cause you to retain water and look puffy, so a few cups of tea can help you look and feel thinner.

Want a healthier heart? Lower inflammation levels resulting from green tea consumption may help to protect against cardiovascular disease.

5. Increased memory, focus & concentration

Extensive research has shown that the caffeine and L-Theanine, a naturally-occurring amino acid found in tea, improves reaction time and memory, while increasing focus and concentration (think of monks meditating).

Go for a cup of tea — perhaps white tea — before a meeting when you need to be sharp, or drink it during a test for increased concentration and focus.

6. Anti-allergens

With spring coming up, now is time to start searching for your favorite tea. Why? The tea polyphenol, EGCG, may be helpful for reducing pollen allergies. Tea may also reduce allergic response through some flavonols naturally-occurring in tea, which is known to mitigate histamine response.

Yes, you can add locally produced honey to your tea to double-up the anti-allergy power.

7. Decreased risk of stroke

Drinking at least three cups of green or black tea per day results in a 21% reduction in the risk of ischemic stroke. Start your tea habit now, to begin protecting yourself earlier.

8. Reduced risk of dementia

To stay sharp, even as you age, drink tea, as it is thought to lower the risk of dementia by acting through multiple pathways, including those of nerve synapses and blood sugar regulation. Tea acts on brain theta waves to improve memory and increase attention span — yet another reason to start drinking tea early in life.

9. Improved overall health markers

Tea drinkers tend to be healthier, as tea drinking correlates with better health outcomes.

You can support your health, including your skin and body composition, with as few as 2-3 cups per day of this calorie-free, sugar-free drink, so join this growing health movement and start today exploring the novelty of tea.

Just like wine or coffee, there are countless types, blends, styles, countries of origins and more, all for you to try. I'm sure there is a tea to suit any taste and preference.

So, go. Discover. And enjoy a cup of tea.

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