9 New Year Intentions You Can Start Right Now
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9 New Year Intentions You Can Start Right Now

Resolutions? Let's try something new this year.

9 New Year Intentions You Can Start Right Now

The new year is upon us. There is something so refreshing, invigorating, and exciting about starting a new year. It's like pushing that reset button that sometimes we all need so desperately.

There seems to be a bit of a negative stereotype around New Year's resolutions. Why wait for the New Year? Why can't you just change your life now? Are you really going to change, or are you on the resolution bandwagon?

To me, I think the word "resolution" is where we're going wrong. The language we use in our every day life plays such a huge part in our world, sometimes without realizing it. The word itself means the act of solving a problem, which has a bit of a negative connotation. No one wants to admit that they're not giving their 100% effort. And most of the time, the way you're living your life is not a problem. People often put unnecessary pressure on themselves to do a complete 180 starting January 1st. And it's hard; believe me I know. I've failed at New Year's resolutions, and I always feel really bad when I accepted that defeat, because I was trying to "resolve" parts of my life in an unfashionable time frame.

We love instant gratification. If something doesn't happen right away, we get fidgety or impatient, and we move onto something better. And usually, resolutions tend to be pretty big life changes.

Well, what if I told you that we didn't have to view the new year with agony and fear of change? What if we did away with the resolutions and replace them with intentions?

Last year, one of my best friends suggested that we create intentions for ourselves. Yes, we had areas of our lives that we wanted to work on, but they weren't necessarily problematic. Overall, intentions are wants and wishes you have for yourself, and in this case, they're your intentions for a better life in the New Year.

Sure, it's a one word difference. But a different mindset and perception can literally change your world. Here are some of the best intentions to set for yourself in the New Year.

To let go of the past.

This is going to be my greatest intention for myself in the year of 2017. It's so much easier to sit and steam over the bad things that have happened to you, rather than focus on good and be grateful. Humans are a complicated species, and we all (myself included) make mistakes. It's time we learn to let go of the past, to actively move forward to make each day better and brighter than the last.

To tell your friends and family you love them more often.

Losing loved ones can really put things in perspective for you. Whether it's a death or a strained relationship, I've learned that we often neglect the people who unconditionally love us. So call your parents or grandparents when you have a spare minute. Give your friends tight hugs and tell them that you love them. No breath is wasted when you spread love.

To say "thank you" instead of "I'm sorry."

I saw this idea on a social media channel and I really love the idea. We are often so hard on ourselves and really beat ourselves down. Instead of apologizing for everything, say thank you. For example, instead of saying "I'm sorry I'm late," you can try saying, "thank you for waiting for me." Spreading positivity includes internally, too.

To love and forgive yourself.

This has been an intention of mine for the past two years, and it will continue to be so until the day I die. It is so important to find love for yourself, whether it is in your confidence or self-acceptance, loving yourself should be a top priority when it's often left as a last option. Taking care of yourself, whether it's reminding yourself that your opinion matters and is worth fighting for, or standing in front of the mirror and telling yourself that you are beautiful, a great intention to have for 2017 is finding a new love for yourself.

To find one new song, book, or movie you like per week.

I think that to be cultured is to have a great joy in your life. When we get stuck in a rut of a routine, it's hard to be proactive. One way to be inspired is discovering new art. Actively search for a new song or artist that makes you feel something, pick a book that catches your interest, or watch a movie that's going to move you in some way. It's important to keep the balance in your life, and I find that art is a great way to the path of happiness.

To be sympathetic.

Majority of people on Earth are great empathizers, being able to connect to other people through personal experiences. But when it comes to connecting to someone who you may not necessarily understand is something that I think we all struggle with, and need to consciously work on. Stop yourself before you let those judgmental, critical, or mean thoughts pass through your head. Try to understand people before you make an opinion of them.

To live a healthy lifestyle.

This is one that so many people often struggle with. It's a lifestyle change, and it can be intimidating for many people to change the way they eat and spend their free time. I think many people simply don't know where to start, and that deters them from beginning the process entirely. My suggestion, is to do research. Start adding spinach or one vegetable into one meal a week, and then add some fruit, or lean meats. Go for a twenty minute walk, and actively set aside time for it. These are small, but powerful, steps that can help people get their footing in the right direction of a healthier lifestyle.

To smile at at least one stranger per day.

We have enough to already worry about in the world. A kind, genuine smile can go a long way, even if it's from a stranger on the street or in the grocery store. You literally have nothing to lose when you give kindness away in the form a smile.

To be active in your life.

I'm not talking about exercising for this last intention (although I do urge people to find a way to be fit!) In most of the intentions above, I use the word "actively." One of my goals for this year is to be an active decision-maker in my own life. The year 2016 was tough for most, including myself. There were points where I felt that I had no control over what was happening, and it left me not taking advantage of life's opportunities. I urge you to choose happiness, to make your life the way you want it, even when life throws curve balls at you.

I have a great hope for 2017--that it will bring more challenges, more laughs and more opportunities to make the world a better place.

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