Working out is super important for you right? It's suppose to calm your brain by allowing yourself to focus on the one task: working out. If you have a mind like my own, you do tend to focus on the task at hand, however your mind tends to focus too much and too hard. If you don't have a mind like me, well I certainly hope you enjoy the ride.
1. I got this!
That's right. I totally got this. Never miss a Monday right. Well it's Friday but it still applies, right? Of course it does. I set out a time to do this workout and I am here ready and prepared. I totally get why people say to schedule it into your actual schedule. That way you are not only reminded of the task you have set out to do but if you don't do it, the reminder will result in a bit of guilt. A bit of guilt isn't terrible when it's there to remind you what you should be doing. So I'm here, all decked out in my workout gear. Got my gym shorts on and I look spiffy in orange. Who doesn't look great in orange? Got my flowy blue tank top that allows full air to leave and enter my body. I mean I still sweat as much as when I'm in a cut off but hey, maybe it's a different kind of sweat! I also look excellent in blue. Blue and orange and ready for this workout. So ready. Looking good, feeling good, going to have an amazing workout.
2. Which workout should I do today?
Decisions, decisions, decisions. I have never been amazing at making decisions. Most kids entered college knowing exactly what major and career path they wanted. They even knew what minors would be the most beneficial to the career path they had chosen. How was I as a newbie college student? I was undecided. Which kind of sounds iffy, doesn't it? But that's an article for another day. Long story short, which is certainly not my style, I don't enjoy making quick decisions. This decision to become more seriously about working out and healthy and all that good stuff. However this decision of what workout I should do is a new one. Should I do yoga? Oh god no, I am terrible at yoga. Yet I have always felt like the tug and urge to try hot yoga. Which reminds me that I don't know what hot yoga is. Maybe Pilates? I know a good YouTuber who is amazing at Pilates. She is so peppy and I am the sort of the person who likes peppy. It's also for free. Which is always attractive to a lovely college senior attempting to figure out how she's going pay for everything in about a year. Although I do have a subscription to a workout that is new each day. I do pay for it but it's reasonable priced. And the guilt of not doing it is just right. There are also normal, human looking people in it which is super reassuring. Alright, the one I paid for will do.
3. This trainer sounds slightly insane.
This isn't just me right? I mean she's good, like really good, like she should have her own reality TV show to transform Americans into beasts. Her moves are flawless and her arms are the dream. She demonstrates each move in a way I can understand even though I look nothing like her. She's great. But her smile. Does it look forced? I never really examined a smile before. I mean I notice then, which is why I'm noticing this one, but dang, I have never seen a smile so large and in charge. In a mega good way I mean. However, I feel a tad intimidated. Is that normal? I mean I've worked out before but should I be intimated and motivated at the same time. Because I am. And while it is working tremendously, I am unsure about the after results.
4. How does breathing work?
Okay. How could I forget to breathe. It's a second nature thing, how could I forget it? I actually don't remember breathing before this workout began. I know the trainer keeps remind me to breathe but I honestly cannot remember. Seriously who forgets to breathe.
5. Stop yelling/encouraging me.
I get it. I am capable. I am strong. I am a strong independent woman. I have heard this all before. I get it. I really get it.
6. I did it.
It's done. I thought it would never end but it did. It's done. I finished my workout. Wow I am so amazing. Seriously I feel like an Amazon after long battle against the patriarchy. I can do anything. Absolutely anything. Maybe I'll sign up for a marathon. Okay, maybe a half-marathon. Alright no, that's not going to happen. But who cares! I just completed the workout and I feel amazing. Nothing can bring me down from this all natural high.
7. I'm hungry.
Working out is great.