Life itself is a stress trigger, but when you add college on top of that it's like an explosion that's almost never ending. The end of the semester is slowly approaching, which means final projects’ due dates are creeping up and final exams are dreadfully becoming a reality. Both of those things hold so many aspects that can cause someone to pull their hair out such as: dealing with unresponsive group partners, being notify by your professor that it’s highly necessary that you don’t bomb this upcoming exam or you will fail the course, trying to even find the time to do all six million projects and papers you have due by the end of the month. Yes, stress is a given part of life, but it can be harmful to you. Excessive stress can lead to unwanted health issues that effect your mood, body, and behavior. Majority of these approaches have helped me from getting to my breaking point. Just trying at least one of these can aid you in reducing your stress levels. Below I've listed some ways that can
1. Meditate
Center to yourself. There's no excuses, you can literally meditate anywhere. Even on a loud subway. It doesn't matter if it's two or five minutes. If you need a little help with with getting the groove of meditation, the app Headspace is just what you need. It's an app that takes you through the steps of mastering how to meditate properly. It should become like a part of your everyday routine. You can either sit in silence or play some calming music along with it. It's great way to start your day or even end your night.
2. Work Out
My least favorite, but for those who love it exercising. This one is for you. Go outside for a run and breathe the fresh air. The gym is one of the perfect places to let all your hostility out, where you can punch on a bag, run the trail-mill, or whatever that's done in a gym (I wouldn't know because I don't remember the last time I been to a gym) . It's like a two for one. You get to get in shape and relieve some built stress.
3. Dance It Out:
Grey's Anatomy has taught me best. Sometimes when all else fails, just dance it out. Play music out loud or listen through headphones, either way make sure you're moving. Meredith and Christina has proven that it actually works. Forget about all your worries and let go.
4. Clean
Yes, I said clean! This one of my favorite things to do. Even for a person who doesn't like to clean, decluttering is something that is necessary. When organizing your surroundings, it can cause a sense of calmness to the mind. Since it's spring cleaning, it great time to try it out.
5. Yoga
Yoga is a natural miracle worker to relieve stress and pains. It helps loosen you up and relieve tension in your body. Participating in yoga, you obtain the benefits of being more focus, energized, and the given peace of mind. If you're not willing to spend money on yoga sessions. Find out whether your school holds free sessions.
6. Tea and Good Music
Step away from the coffee and get you some chamomile tea. There are a lot of benefits of drinking tea. With chamomile, this natural remedy helps with insomnia, anxiety, improves immune system, migraines, etc. My perfect calming tea recipe is:
1 bag of chamomile tea
1 bag of peppermint tea
A few swirls of honey
1 half sliced lemon
Make sure you heat up your water at the appropriate temperature for you. After, sit down, put on your favorite music, and chill out. When you mix tea and music together, it's like the perfect marriage of me time. Coming from a person who has done this numerous times, you will feel the calming effects of it.