Tips For Long Distance Relationships
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Tips For Long Distance Relationships

How to build a love that can go the distance

Tips For Long Distance Relationships
A Pickett

When my fiancé and I started dating, I assumed that we would be living in the same town until we graduated. We would go on dates, hang out at each other's apartments, go grocery shopping together and all that jazz. And we did get to do that -- for the first two months of our relationship.

When he told me that he would not be returning to Troy, I was absolutely devastated. I mean, this guy's hometown is three hours away from mine. Though we were confident about our feelings for each other, I feared that the distance would cause us to grow apart and I would lose the best boyfriend I'd ever had. Thankfully, the distance has only caused our relationship to grow stronger. If you are currently in an LDR (long distance relationship) or are about to be in one, here are some tips on how to cope.

Over-worrying is your worst enemy.

Now that you're no longer in the same city as your significant other, it can be difficult to get in touch with them, let alone see them every day. You both have responsibilities, whether it's school, a job or your family, so not hearing from them or seeing them as often as you'd like can be quite worrisome. You start to wonder if they still have feelings for you or if they even miss you. You start to make up horrible, crazy situations in your head about why they're not texting back (they're cheating, they got in a car accident, they were attacked by a goat, etc). If you notice yourself starting to worry and overthink every little thing about your relationship, take a step back and think about why you're with this person in the first place. Realize that life gets hectic sometimes, and that the probability of someone getting attacked by a goat is pretty slim.

You don't have to be in constant contact, but communication is key.

It will be nearly impossible to be able to talk to your guy/gal all day, every day. It sucks, but it's a fact of life. And truth is, trying to talk that much kind of takes away the fun of talking. Either you run out of things to say, or you end up learning everything about them in the span of three days.

Go out and have fun with your friends. Read a book, watch a movie or go to a park and unplug for a little while. It's unhealthy, both physically and emotionally, to be constantly glued to your phone. I understand that you love him/her, but make room in your life for the other people and things you love. However, make sure the two of you talk at least a little bit every day. Whether it's through texting, Snapchat, FaceTime or a phone call it's important to know what the other person is up to that day or that week so you can better plan when the two of you can chat or possibly see each other again. And, truthfully, getting to talk to each other on a daily basis makes it feel like they're not so far away.

Make time to see each other.

Life can get real busy real fast, so it's important to plan when you'll see each other. Going long periods of time without seeing each other can put a strain on the relationship and cause either one or both people involved to question if the spark is still alive. You start to miss them terribly and, unfortunately, it affects other areas of your life -- you're not as optimistic as you normally are and you spend more time in your pajamas watching "The Notebook" than you do doing anything else. Though that isn't the case for all couples, it does start to feel like you may never see them again or that you can't even remember what they look like or what their voice sounds like anymore. Try to do everything you can to make sure you don't get to this point. I realize the frequency of seeing each other varies with how far away you are, but seeing each other at least once a month will help ease the heartache just a little bit. Even if you can't spend much time together, jump on any chance you can to see them and treasure every precious moment.

Pick your battles.

Unfortunately, being apart from someone you want to be around all the time can lead to some arguments -- Why didn't you text me back? You said you were going to call. How come you didn't call? Why haven't I seen you in over a month? While it is valid to bring up your concerns about communication and seeing each other, try not to argue about every little thing. It just adds stress to an already stressful situation.

Really stop and think about if what you're upset about is important in the long run or not. If it is important, bring it up calmly and respectfully -- let your thoughts be known and tell them what you would like to see change. If not, let it go and move on. Constantly arguing over minuscule issues is just one more factor separating you from your significant other.

Keep the romance alive.

Along with keeping in touch every day, make sure you remind the person how much you love and care about them. A simple, "Good morning, beautiful/handsome" or an "I miss you so much" text can go a long way. And don't forget about gifts! Receiving flowers from someone a thousand miles away is one of the sweetest gestures I can imagine. It reflects thoughtfulness, intimacy and a true desire to make the other person smile. Even making or buying them a card for a monthiversary, a holiday or just because is enough to brighten anyone's day.

When you're together, try to squeeze in a date night if possible -- get dressed up, go somewhere nice and just enjoy each other's company. Be affectionate with them and show them the love you know they've been missing. This will create memories they can carry with them during your next length of time apart.

Trust and understanding go a long way.

It is vital in a long distance relationship (or any relationship for that matter) that you and your partner trust each other. You have to trust that the other person will remain faithful to you, no matter how far apart you are or how bad things may seem to you. You have to trust that they love you and that they always will. That they will do anything they can to see you, talk to you or just make you happy. Both people in the relationship also need to understand each other and why they do or say certain things. It's important to understand that just because they're not talking to you doesn't mean they're ignoring you. Sometimes, people just need to be by themselves, secluded from the outside world. Maybe they're spending time with their family or friends or enjoying a meal. Just make sure you let each other know when you're doing other things so no one feels left out or ignored.

Being in a long distance relationship isn't a piece of cake. It takes hard work, dedication, and a whole lot of love. But no matter how painful the distance gets, all you have to do is remind yourself how lucky you are to have someone who loves you from so far away.

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