1. Go on a spontaneous road trip or adventure.
As someone who just went on one of these, let me tell you it was one of the easiest things to do to feel happier. Getting away from the things that are causing anxiety can be one of the best remedies for troubles—especially when being accompanied by amazing people. By the time the trip is over, you’ll know one another better, have new jokes, and have gotten to see a new place.
2. Make a playlist on Spotify.
Load it with the best music—the songs that can be listened to, danced to, and sung along with over and over. Name it something fun like, “Killin’ da Game” or “Throw it on Shuffle.” The right music can improve even the worst of moods.
3. Have a dance party with said Spotify playlist.
Grab some friends and turn “Spring Term Jams” up as loudly as possible. Busting out great classic moves, like jazz hands and the lawn mower, allows you to shake of some of the negative vibes that you might be feeling. It’s nice to giggle at the silly moves of friends as well as your own.
4. Eat cookie dough.
OK, so some people cite a fear of salmonella as a reason for not snacking on this unbaked treat, however, when was the last time anyone heard of a person contracting salmonella from eating raw cookie dough? I, personally, have not. In fact, I am convinced it could be a myth created by people who are afraid to live life on the edge*.
5. Go for a walk.
Whether with friends or by yourself, fresh air can help clear the head, and a little sunshine is always good for a dose of vitamin D and an uplift of the soul. If it’s raining out, well, don’t worry, the drear is good for the soul, too.
6. Roll down a hill.
There have been many a day, and night, too, that I have been roused from negative thoughts by a challenge to plunge body first down the top of a grassy mound. The spinning motion experienced by the head and body might result in a bruise or two as well as some dirt, but it will also inspire a giddiness. The dizziness experienced by rolling down a hill or spinning so fast you fall down causes a lightness in the chest similar to butterflies, with which I associate with happiness. Throughout the trip to the bottom and long after reaching the destination elated "woops" and laughter can be heard by doing this simple activity many have neglected since turning the age of 10.
Life is scary and frustrating and it causes all sorts of worry and anxiety—both warranted and not. Sometimes, the best things that we can do is take a step back to gain some distance and new perspectives before revisiting whatever the problem is after allowing for a little bit of fun.
*The consumption of raw eggs can actually cause salmonella, but, I mean, come on.