6 Reasons Why Everyone Should Watch The Bachelorette | The Odyssey Online
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6 Reasons Why Everyone Should Watch The Bachelorette

This show is slowly taking over America and for all of the right reasons.

6 Reasons Why Everyone Should Watch The Bachelorette

The Bachelorette has finally picked up again and everyone is buzzing about it. JoJo is a beloved bachelorette and for all of the right reasons. She is kind, funny, and she is genuinely just looking for someone who won't screw her over (@Ben). This season is making itself out to be a very promising one and full of secrets that no one is really expecting. If you don't watch The Bachelorette, here are six reasons why you should consider doing otherwise.

1. JoJo is literally the best human being to walk the planet.

There have been many bachelorettes, but JoJo is most definitely the most likable. She is everything a woman strives to be, and she's adorable on top of it. She knows what she wants in a relationship and she is seriously looking to find someone to spend her life with, something that bachelors and bachelorettes in the past have failed to see as the end goal from the television show. She isn't going to put up with any nonsense by any of her possible suitors and honestly just wants someone to love her and only her.

2. Drama without the drama.

Humans are attracted to drama by nature. You can deny this all you want, but you know that ever since the sixth grade when a girl in your class was the first one to shave her legs you heard and spoke all about it. One of the best, if not the best, perks of this show is all of the drama that occurs about every three minutes. While watching this show, you get to experience all of this "real life" drama and not have to face the subtweets made about you the next day. (You also get to enjoy all of this drama while eating Chinese take out. I really don't see a downside here.)

3. It's easy on the eyes.

I don't think I really need to go into much detail here. The guys on the show are extremely good looking and I don't mind having to see their smiling faces for an hour every week.

4. It's like gambling.

My friends and I have a group chat and bet a round of Starbucks every week on who is going to be going home. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but you get a coffee and a great conversation piece out of it so it is a win-win situation.

5. You develop personal attachments to the contestants.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am hardcore already attached to Luke and I'm hoping he's in it for the long run, but the point is, everyone has their favorite. One of the reasons this show is so addicting is because you just can't stand to see your favorite go home, and if they do then you have to keep watching to see what guy is apparently "more fitting" for the current bachelorette.

6. It's just a good show to sit down and relax with.

The thing about reality shows is that you don't really have to think about them. They just kind of happen in front of you and you keep your eyes glued to the screen for reasons unknown to you. It's easy to just to lose yourself in this show and there really isn't a problem with that because we all need to unwind every once in awhile (or every Monday evening).

So here's to JoJo and her chance to finally find love. Let's all sit back, relax, and eat our chicken fried rice while hoping our favorite bachelor pulls through and gets a rose for another week.

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