Top 6 Candidates to Replace President Judy Bonner
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Top 6 Candidates to Replace President Judy Bonner

Top 6 Candidates to Replace President Judy Bonner

Last month, on Dec. 17, 2014 -- a date which will live in infamy -- University of Alabama President, Judy L. Bonner, broke the spirit and heart of nearly 35,000 students who call UA home by announcing her plans to retire her duties as president of our University. Although I am certain JBo will continue to leave her mark at the Capstone for many years to come, the time has come for her to pass the torch to another qualified candidate. But who might our next president be? 

Unfortunately, due to the oversight the Alabama board of directors made with the hiring of Guy Bailey just a few short years ago, I am skeptical of their abilities to hire a reputable person, and so I feel compelled to share with you the names of potential (and entirely unrealistic) candidates who could adequately meet the astronomically high expectations Dr. Bonner has set. The task will be tough, but certainly not impossible. 

The wishful thinking candidate.

Nick Saban, the head football coach of Alabama, probably has more clout then the president of the university, anyway, but that does not mean Coach Saban would not be a fantastic president. He is smart, focused and a problem solver, all of which are qualities needed to be head of a major university. However, it would be hard to juggle the football team and the presidency so, unfortunately, it would be best to leave him where he excels the most. 

The extremely overqualified candidate. 

Let’s get one thing straight. Condoleezza Rice has way more important things to be doing than becoming Alabama’s president but she would be an impressive choice. Although she was born and raised in the great state of Alabama, something tells me she would much rather continue spending her time golfing at Augusta National and being a distinguished member of the College Football Playoff Selection Committee instead of filling JBO’s shoes. 

The promoting from within candidate.

SGA President Hamilton Bloom would bring youth, experience and impressive sock swag to the president's mansion if he were to be given the position. Some may say that a soon-to-be graduate is not old enough to run the administration, but who better to represent the students and the school than a recent alumni? 

The outspoken candidate.

It is hard to imagine a potential candidate who has more enthusiasm for Alabama athletics than good ol’ Phyllis from Mulga. Although it is highly unlikely Phyllis received her high school diploma, much less a degree from Alabama, she would bring some much needed passion to our administration. She’s got the looks, wits and communication skills to formidable face of our university. From a public relations standpoint, she would be a godsend for forward progression here at the Capstone. If, for some unforeseen reason, Phyllis was not chosen to be our next president, than this next potential option could be a decent second choice. 

The objective candidate.

Despite being born in Memphis and attending Tennessee, Paul Finebaum is a Bama man at heart. Finebaum would have you believe that he is a pragmatic and objective sports analyst, and in many ways he is, but he cannot help but show his admiration for our university. Who cares if he isn’t qualified to take over? Finebaum would remain loyal to Alabama until the end of time. 

The notable alumnus candidate.

Forrest Gump may be a fictional character from a beloved book and movie, but if he were a real person, than he would be a hard candidate to pass up. Gump has many qualifications that would make him an effective leader. He was an All-American football player, Medal of Honor recipient, ping pong champion, successful entrepreneur and winner in all aspects of life. The University of Alabama would be proud to have him at our next president. 

Unfortunately, just by a pure gut feeling, I do not believe our board of directors will take any of my suggestions seriously. More likely than not, they will chose a more experienced and seasoned individual to take JBo’s place, but I have always been a believer in the old saying, “the higher the risk, the higher the reward.” 

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