6 Binge-Worthy Netflix Shows for College Students
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6 Binge-Worthy Netflix Shows for College Students

Sit back, relax, and happy binge-watching.

6 Binge-Worthy Netflix Shows for College Students

College students don't have all the time in the world with various classes and extracurriculars, but every student needs a little down time. Down time in college usually consists of some sort of caffeinated drink, a salty snack, and a good Netflix show. Here are six binge-worthy Netflix shows every college student should indulge in.

1. Shameless

Many have probably seen raves about "Shameless" all over Facebook, Twitter, etc. Most famous of all is probably eldest brother Lip, as shown above, who is played by Jeremy Allen White. "Shameless" surrounds the lives of five siblings who are being raised by their sixth and eldest sibling, Fiona, played by Emmy Rossum. Their father is an alcoholic and drug addict, and their mother is nowhere to be found. You follow the lives of each of the siblings, their neighbors, and their father. The show is currently in its seventh season, and the season finale airs on December 18th. Six seasons are currently on Netflix. This has become one of my favorite shows, and I recommend all to indulge in it.

2. Orange is the New Black

Many, if not most, have seen the beloved show. Based on the book of the same title, "Orange is the New Black" surrounds the life of privileged woman, Piper, who ends up in prison for helping carry a bag of drug money. The show revolves around her life in Litchfield prison, and through each episode you get to know each of the other inmates a bit better. The show currently has four seasons on Netflix, and each summer Netflix comes out with a new season.

3. Grey's Anatomy

I don't believe anyone who watches Netflix can claim they haven't been told by at least one person to watch "Grey's Anatomy." Thinking about watching 12 seasons of 20+ episodes that are at least 40 minutes each may sound like a lot, but with the right time management, anyone can whip through the show. Following the lives of Meredith Grey and her coworkers can bring heartbreak and tears, but it makes the happy moments that much more worthwhile.

4. Once Upon a Time

This show is much more about the fairytale characters brought alive by Walt Disney. ABC incorporates many fairy tales other than just princes and princess into their show "Once Upon a Time." The show starts off with Snow White and Prince Charming confrontation with the Evil Queen, followed by their daughter Emma blowing out her 28th birthday candle in Boston, MA. The show follows Emma's journey through finding her parents, her son, and defeating the evil threatening to bring them down. Five seasons are currently on Netflix, and the mid-season finale for season six just aired on television.

5. Friends

Many know the beloved classic of the late 90s and early 2000s, and I of all people know it doesn't hurt to re-watch every episode once or maybe even a couple hundred times. For those who don't know, "Friends" follows the lives of six best friends residing in New York City. Each of them has their own special personality, evident from the very first episode. In little time, you'll find yourself knowing the name of almost any episode just from watching the opening scene, and you'll be able to recite almost any line in a heartbeat. Ten seasons of 20-minute episodes flies when you're having fun.

6. How I Met Your Mother

In the words of Barney Stinson, this show is LEGENDARY. Similar to "Friends", "How I Met Your Mother" follows the stories of six great friends, as told by the main character, Ted. The beginning of each episode starts with Ted telling his children a sequence of events that eventually leads up to how he met their mother, hence the show title. The show brings non-stop laughs, especially with Neil Patrick Harris starring as lady's man, Barney Stinson. All nine seasons are just waiting on Netflix, ready to be binge-watched.

These six shows should take the typical college student maybe six months to a year to completely watch. If you're a master of Netflix, it may take you about three to six. Either way, every college student should enjoy these shows. The dramatic is balanced out by the comedy, and each show brings out some of the best plot lines and actors to be seen.

So sit back, relax, and happy binge-watching.

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