When a new semester of school starts, there is only one thing to do: accept defeat, and suck it up. Unfortunately, like with all things, we must overcome the difficulties of a new academic year, and greet this new year with a positive attitude. In order to do so, we must walk into every class in the same manner that Beyoncé struts during "Crazy in Love."
Iconic. Breathtaking. A historical landmark.
Anyway, back to the start of a new semester.... Here are 6 Beyoncé songs, and their accompanying music videos, to help you persevere through the first week.
1. "I don't know much about Algebra, but I know, 1 + 1 = 2."
When you sign up for that 8:00 a.m. math class that you just know you will not do well in.
Much like Bey, I don't know much about algebra.... To be fair, I don't know anything before 11:00 a.m.
2. "Tonight I'm gonna dance for you."
When you sign up for a tango class, yet you have no idea how to tango.
Fake it 'till you make it. Also, feel free to take this twinkle of time to have a bit of a braggadocios moment. You are going to slay your class week after week.
3. "Flip a new page, introduce ya to some new things and upgrade you. I can, can I, let me upgrade you.
When you realize you accidentally signed up for the class with the professor that everyone warned you about. DROP THAT CLASS.
Upgrade your whole life by switching into the cool class.
4. "Know that I can't get over you, 'cause everything I see is you, and I don't want no substitute, Baby, I swear it's déjà vu."
When the notorious ex-bae is in your class, and you may not be completely over them, but you know 100% that they are going to sit next to you, and you have no idea what to do....
Whether this song is relatable or not, it is a certified BOP 100%.
5. "You can be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare. Either way I, don't wanna wake up from you."
Everybody knows that the night before school starts, there is no such thing as sleep. For some reason, we all lie awake wondering what is ahead of us in the future. Hence, this being either a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare.
Either way, it is going to be an amazing semester, and you will have an excellent time, just make it happen!
6. "Who needs a degree when you're schoolin' life?!"
When things get too stressful, and you need to take a step back, just remember this.
Instead of studying for class, simply ponder over the fact that Beyoncé never recorded a real music video for this song.
Well, this one goes out to Beyoncé for ensuring a successful semester for all of us! Good luck.