In today's world everyone has a preconceived idea of what we should look like. If you don't have a thigh gap you're fat. If you have belly rolls when you sit down (btw everyone has rolls), you're fat. How is it acceptable to not only fat shame people but skinny shame them?! the world we live in is so caught up on perfection that we shame people for how much they weigh. Instead of shaming people for their bodies, we should be celebrating our bodies. Our bodies are such a beautiful thing, we should appreciate them. We should show them off, not hide them because we're scared what people are going to say. Whenever you are feeling insecure about your body remember these 5 things.
1. Confidence is key
People can tell when someone has a lot of confidence, it's like a light that radiates off you. If you believe you look hot, then go out and flaunt it!
2. Someone one loves your body the way it is
Someone else is in love with your body and so should you! Everyone's body is different and perfect in their own way. Someone is going to love your body for the way it is, but the most important thing is if you love your body. Find things you love about your body and accentuate them! Focus on the good things not the bad.
3. Find a look you love and flaunt it!
It's all about the clothes you wear, if you feel hot you look hot! If you feel sexy in high waisted shorts and a crop top, then wear them! If you love doing your makeup and hair, do your makeup and hair, it's all about you baby! Don't worry about looking caked up or overdressed. If you love the way you look screw the haters.
4. Always look at yourself in the mirror naked!
Trust me it works! You maybe thinking, "but I know what I look like naked". Trust me, I thought that too. One day I looked in the mirror before getting dressed and I thought "Damn I look good!" It is a completely view of yourself, seeing yourself without clothes on completely naked is a whole new experience. I told my sister to try it but she thought I was weird and didn't believe it worked until she tried it. This is life changer! Trust me!
5. Screw the haters!
Don't ever let anyone make you feel ashamed of your body. It's YOUR BODY. it does not matter what other people think about it! If you love your body that all that matters, there's are always going to be people who try to rip you down. Don't let them, just look them in the eyes and tell them to go screw themselves! Trust me, it will make you feel better!
Now you have 5 ways to help you love your body! Go out there and flaunt what your mama gave ya!