5 Spin-Off Shows That Are Worth The Watch | The Odyssey Online
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5 Spin-Off Shows That Are Worth The Watch

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5 Spin-Off Shows That Are Worth The Watch
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Ever miss a show so much that you wish they could just reboot it? Unfortunately, those wishes don't always come true, but the next best thing comes through...SPIN-OFFS! Here are five spin-off shows that are worth the watch from your favorite tv show universes.

1. The Carrie Diaries (Sex and the City)

Although The Carrie Diaries had a short run of two seasons from 2013-2014, it was definitely a force to be reckoned with while on air. We got to see a glimpse into the young Carrie and what made Ms. Bradshaw into the Carrie we know from Sex And the City. Although we don't get a glimpse of Miranda and Charlotte just yet, young Samantha and high school friends Mouse and Maggie are there to lead Carrie down the road that is her young adult life. Not to mention we get to listen to rad eighties soundtracks and see Austin Butler as Carrie's first love, Sebastian.

2. The Originals (The Vampire Diaries)

This suspenseful spinoff of the much loved "Vampire Diaries" is exactly what you need if you can't get enough vampiric content to sink your fangs into. Following the "original" family of immortal vampires (hence the name) in the streets of New Orleans, this family faces many ghouls of the supernatural realm.

3. Grownish (Blackish)

This newer spinoff of ABC's award-winning sitcom "Blackish" births "Grownish" which follows the Johnson family's oldest daughter, Zoey, to college. Here she meets new friends, new foes, and new boos and must combat the ins and outs of young adulthood in college. In addition to being utterly relatable, it's hilarious like...really hilarious.

4. Degrassi The Next Generation (Degrassi)

Now I know you're thinking "huh? Degrassi TGN isn't an original?". The answer to that is no, actually. Unless your a Canadian who's familiar with the original eighties version of this show following high schoolers through the halls of Degrassi High then you know that this is not the first (or last) spin-off of this show. As the drama-filled hallways of this Canadian high school seem to never end, this show is still binge-worthy and the next generation is by far the BEST generation. (Not to mention young Drake is apart of it).

5. The Hills (Laguna Beach)

I must admit, I do prefer the original show to this spinoff, BUT that doesn't mean that "The Hills" isn't absolutely meme-worthy and American reality TV royalty. The show follows Laguna Beach alumni Lauren Conrad and her new college buddies Heidi, Adriana, and Whitney through the streets of LA as they begin to juggle social life post-graduation. Although much of the drama has people claiming it was scripted it doesn't make the hilarity to come out of it any less entertaining.

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