5 Pizzas To Pair With Your Homework
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5 Pizzas To Pair With Your Homework

The ultimate brain food paired with your most common subjects.

5 Pizzas To Pair With Your Homework
Jessie's Pizza

This could really be for anyone going from elementary age to college age, we all know homework is a drag. Quizzes, papers, assignments like it, whatever; you need the brain food and pizza is the way to go. There's a video with the lovely Holderness Family describing wine and homework pairings for parents helping their struggling kids with homework, but some of us aren't quite of age or parents. We're going to pair pizzas starting from the basic subjects: Math, Science, History, Art, and English. Buon Appetit!

1. Math- Supreme

No matter what math class you're in, some of these problems can get pretty complex. With that being said, you gotta have a complex pizza! However, this is a pretty simple and delicious pairing. Not to mention, you can add, subtract, or multiply your toppings and divide your pieces to your fellow strugglers. Although if you're anything like me, you could eat this entire pizza by yourself and you probably will even if you have the option of sharing because it's pizza.

2. Science- Classic Pepperoni

I'll be honest, I was tossed up between a few on this one. I actually googled "science pizza" to see what I'd get and I was pleasantly surprised and nerded out a little. It was great. Anyway, you can arrange the pepperonis in whatever way you want, but in actuality, there's a lot of science in cooking so you could go for anything. However, pepperoni works the best because it's simple and you can get somewhat creative without getting it all kiddywompus.

3. History- Margherita

According to History.com, the people of Naples, Italy in the 1700 & 1800s needed an inexpensive and convenient food they could take on the go. This was where pizza was born, but the Margherita pizza was named after Queen Margherita after visiting Naples in late 1800s. There's also no coincidence that the colors of the ingredients on the pizza match the Italian flag. Back to the homework, not only is this fresh choice a great pairing because of it's creamy mozzarella, fresh tomatoes, and flavorful basil; but you're also getting a slice of history! Win-Win!

4. Art- Literally Any Homemade Pizza

Cooking is an art mixed with a little chemistry, but really you could make anything you want here. You may not be able to bring your artistic meal to school, depending on where you go, but at the very least you won't be "hangry" when you're doing your homework. It can also be a nice little distraction, and I'm all about distractions from responsibility. Netflix and cat videos are great and all, but food's where it's at.

5. English- Classic Cheese

English is a great subject, don't get me wrong. My english teachers and professors were great, I enjoyed the classes I took, and the material we covered. We can all admit that it gets a little boring sometimes, so our classic cheese pizza is a great pairing for this one since there's not too many toppings for you to fill up too easily on. This means you can eat a lot of it and go into a food coma before your homework puts you into an actual coma.

Now I'm starving so I might as well go get some myself and avoid responsibility!

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