5 Natural Remedies To Relieve Insomnia
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5 Natural Remedies To Relieve Insomnia

Sometimes catching a little shut-eye is harder than we'd like.

5 Natural Remedies To Relieve Insomnia

You lay down to sleep and it happens again: your mind is racing, you can't get comfortable, and your mentally preparing yourself for another long, sleepless night. You're not alone. According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, 30 to 35 percent of people in the United States alone suffer from insomnia. Whether you have trouble falling asleep or wake up numerous times during the night, studies have shown that a lack of sleep has a large number of unhealthy consequences, ranging from the mild – daytime sleepiness and an inability to concentrate – to the more serious, such as an increased risk of accidents and higher likelihood of developing conditions like heart failure and hypertension. f you're hesitant to try medication but are still having a hard time getting some shut-eye, a number of natural remedies can help you unwind before bedtime and catch a few Zs.

Sip tea

A number of different herbal teas can help ease you into slumber including, chamomile, valerian, peppermint and lavender tea. The sedative properties of these teas make them an easy – and delicious – way to relax at the end of a long day and fall asleep faster. Just make sure whichever tea you pick is caffeine-free. Caffeine is a stimulant and can make sleeping difficult. If you're especially sensitive, it's best to forego food and beverages containing caffeine afternoon.

Try yoga

If you've had a particularly rough day at the office or the kids have been unruly, trying a few yoga poses before bed can signal your brain that it's time to relax and sleep is on the way. The poses don't have to be strenuous to be effective – simple ones such as a seated twist, child's pose, and corpse pose are ideal for entering a relaxed and rested state.

Lights out

In order for your body to recognize that it's time to sleep, artificial sources of light in the bedroom – including phones, tablets, televisions, and bedside lamps – should be turned off once you hit the hay. Light stimulates the nervous system, forcing your body into a more alert state that may inhibit sleep. A cool, dark room is the best environment to promote a good night's sleep. If your work schedule requires you to be up during the night and asleep during the day, invest in a pair of blackout curtains to block out the light and allow your body to catch up on some rest.

Create a bedtime ritual

Humans are creatures of habit and our lives are guided by rituals; bedtime shouldn't be any different. Creating a bedtime routine will help your body transition from an energetic, daytime state to a more relaxed, nighttime one, allowing sleep to come easier. Taking a warm bath, shutting down phones and laptops an hour before bed, and jotting down some quick notes in a small notepad – rather than dealing with racing thoughts that keep you awake – are all smart steps to take in an hour or so before you turn in. Easing into a ritual that trains the brain to calm down and unwind rather than abruptly jumping into bed and expecting to fall asleep almost instantly is a much more realistic expectation – and much less stressful for you.


Like the sedative properties of some teas, a number of essential oils have been touted to have sleep-inducing properties for those suffering from insomnia. Simply adding a few drops to a tissue and inhaling a few times before bed can induce a more tranquil state. An inexpensive diffuser that moves the scent around the bedroom is a great choice as well. Lavender and chamomile oil, like the teas, are good ones to have on hand on nights that sleep is just out of reach, as well as bergamot, ylang-ylang, and cedarwood.

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