4 Sure-Fire Ways To Tell If A Guy Isn't All That Into You, From A Guy That Will Tell You
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4 Sure-Fire Ways To Tell If A Guy Isn't All That Into You, From A Guy That Will Tell You

A guy that puts forth effort is a man. You want a man, not a boy.

4 Sure-Fire Ways To Tell If A Guy Isn't All That Into You, From A Guy That Will Tell You

We all have those incidences where we are never sure if the guy or girl we're chasing has caught the feels about us like we have for them. There's no 100% guaranteed way to figure out if they are into you or not, but there are some pretty solidified telltale signs that they are not into you.

It can be heartbreaking to learn, but it's for the betterment of your emotional and mental state if you find out earlier rather than later.

Guys don't like to deal with drama by any means. What usually ends up happening is they disappear slowly into the past in order to avoid any sort of confrontation. Some women do this as well. Most people call it "ghosting."

This is the worst form of telling someone that you're not into them. You're basically saying, "Hey, I think you're pretty neat, but I would really like to disengage from any sort of contact with you, without having to actually be in contact with you any further."

Here's how you can tell this may happen to you with a guy in the near future.

1. They don't ask to hang out first

It's simple. If a guy is beating around the bush or no longer makes an effort to see you on a regular weekly basis, he just isn't that into you. If he used to be all about going on dates and all of the sudden gave up that focus, he's just not that into you anymore. Either that, or he's become fully immersed in a new video game. We're weird humans.

But in order to determine the reason why he's been so absent from trying to make time to see you, text him about why he no longer asks. If his answer is anything but "I'm going to be honest with you, I just got a new video game," he's more than likely making invalid excuses and lying to you.

If he does fess up about a video game, you have another dilemma on your hands. Yes, he will get bored of the video game eventually. However, from here, you have two choices. You can wait out the video game and hopefully get the attention that you desired back; or, you can realize that he isn’t quite mature enough for a decent relationship, and you can dump him on the curb before he ghosts you multiple times a year for a new video game that pops up. (Usually it’s the worst in the fall.)

Fortnite and PUBG are cool and all, but in my relationship, I’ll put my controller down to respond to my girlfriend when I’m one of the last five people alive still. That’s commitment.

2. He puts way too much emphasis on sexuality

He’s too focused on trying to have you come over at late hours of the night or wanting to get naked pictures from you. This is 100% not a guy you want to be with. Any guy that really wants you and is worth having, won’t ask for naked pictures and will respect you enough not to pressure you into doing anything you’re not quite wanting to do yet.

I’ve learned through my immature years that the best thing you can ever do to compliment any woman is to respect their entire being, especially their sexual manifestation. It’s a sensitive topic that people never like talking about, but it shouldn’t always be discussed either.

Any act or conversation between the two of you should be just that: between the two of you. If he’s sharing information about what goes on in the bedroom with you and him, he’s not the kind of guy you should be with. He doesn’t respect you enough, and it is time for you to move on to something better.

3. He doesn't ever send or tag you in anything he sees over social media

The basis of just about every relationship now days seems to revolve around sending each other GIFs, memes, pictures, videos, or posts from a social media website, with them saying something along the lines of, "LOL you in a nutshell." It sounds asinine and pathetic to mention this point.

Many people will use the excuse of, "He/she doesn't have Facebook or Instagram." Fine, those are the exceptions to this rule. But the real focus is on how he sees something and then relates what media he sees to your relationship. If he relates even the most minuscule things he sees online to you, you're his everything.

I also understand that a lot of friends do this for each other, but you have to understand the context behind the relationship in order to come to this conclusion based off of this theory. If you are super close and are questioning whether he sends you things as friends or not, send him something even remotely girly and affectionate and his response will tell you everything you need to know.

4. He won’t do anything remotely cliché for you

Flowers on a date? Dinner and a movie? Opening your car door? Walking you to the front door? Trying to be your knight in shining armor when another dude is talking to you? Yeah, if he does any of these things, he wants you…and he wants you bad.

Chivalry isn’t dead, it just seems to always find its way out of any relationship around the same time the honeymoon phase ends. So don’t worry if he stops doing these things; it just means he’s totally fine and dandy with settling down with you.

Guys that care will show small versions of cliché tendencies throughout your relationship. Just-because flowers, fancy dinners on anniversaries, setting up Christmas lights just to watch Netflix on the couch.

A guy that puts forth effort is a man. You want a man, not a boy, because boys ask for nudes, don’t text you back when they play video games, and can’t communicate effectively in today’s day and age.

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