4 Lies You Tell Yourself That Are Getting In The Way Of Your Dreams
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4 Lies You Tell Yourself That Are Getting In The Way Of Your Dreams

Fiercely follow your dreams. You are good enough.

4 Lies You Tell Yourself That Are Getting In The Way Of Your Dreams

The desire for growth in our lives is embedded into human nature. So why, then, is it so hard for people to achieve what they’ve set their hearts out for? The answer is simple: it’s us. We are the obstacle that blocks us from getting what we desire. Our excuses we make prevent us from taking action. Just as the goals we make for ourselves form in our head, the reasons as to why we have no chance at achieving them form just as quickly.

Now don’t get me wrong, it is absolutely common to doubt your own potential. I do it, you do it, we all do it. The key is to make sure we are motivated enough to look past that doubt. In fact, the truth is that our ability to exceed is only as strong as our determination. As an integral factor behind any and all successes, our mentality is the determinant behind our goals; it can either push us to finish what we set out to accomplish or discourage us from simply beginning our journey.

So how do we prevent this from happening? Despite the fact that every person’s situation is different, there are 4 common excuses that hold us back and fence us in from fully living out our dreams.

1. “I can't make time for it”

You aren’t joking when you say you’re busy all the time. You have class for five hours a day and club meetings for another two, and let’s not forget that you try to go to the gym at least three times a week while attempting to find time to study every day for a couple hours. You’re also low on funds and struggling to take care of yourself and your basic needs. The responsibilities are endless, so how on earth do you have the time to have a side hustle right now? In a perfect world, you would have an infinite amount of time to focus on what you’ve always dreamed of doing.

Unfortunately, for us, we are always going to have something to do at all times; there are always going to be obstacles you face and responsibilities you must upkeep. Life is going to continue to happen whether you like it or not, so you might as well start now and accept and take responsibility for your life.

2. “I know I’m going to fail”

Failure is one of the most common fears faced amongst all humans, and it can be completely overwhelming, keeping us in our comfort zones and preventing us from taking chances. But what is failure exactly? Is it completely falling flat on our faces or simply having our lives go not according to plan?

The concept of failure can be insanely daunting and discouraging, but as you grow older and experience more, you’ll slowly begin to understand that obstacles are placed in our lives solely for us to overcome and learn from them.

The key to success is to be effervescent in the presence of failure. The only thing worse than letting the fear of risk and failure hold you back is being completely unaware of how much you are capable of accomplishing.

3. “How and where do I start?”

Venturing into the unknown is the most intimidating thing a human could experience. In today’s world, the resources are limitless. It is so easy to get overwhelmed and confused by all the information that is accessible to us. Where exactly do we start, and how do we get there?

Well, lucky for you, the first step towards achieving your goals is acknowledging this fact. Courageously exploring what you don’t know will provide you with immense amounts of knowledge about both yourself and your dreams.

Remember, you have to start somewhere. Easier said than done, I know. It is important to understand that there really is no right or wrong way to start; the only thing that matters is that you start. Create a game plan for yourself and try to follow it to the best of your ability. Life will run its course and take you exactly where you need to be.

4. “I will never be good enough”

In today’s world, there is an immense amount of pressure to do well, and we set extremely high expectations for ourselves. And how can we forget about the fact that we are in an intense but unspoken competition with all our peers? It’s tough to see how much they accomplish through social media while we’re simply just trying to find a way to start the process of accomplishing what we wish to accomplish.

Our minds get clouded, and we often tend to forget to pride ourselves in what we’ve already done because we are too busy focusing on what we haven’t done. This is a toxic thought process.

Everyone has a different journey; no one’s path will ever be the same, so comparing your success to the success of others is essentially a waste of your time and energy. Instead of falling victim to the trap of comparison, learn and master the beauty that is support. Instead of feeling discouraged by the successes of others, support and congratulate them, and manifest those feelings into determination to achieve what you want to. Take control of your life, because you’re really the only one who can.

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