3 Ways to Style Anime Jewelry for Spring | The Odyssey Online
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3 Ways to Style Anime Jewelry for Spring

Style Anime Jewelry

3 Ways to Style Anime Jewelry for Spring

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Anime jewelry has become a popular fashion statement amongst people of all ages. Anime jewelry includes rings, necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and other pieces. Certain pieces of anime jewelry particularly stand out based on the colors and shapes used to create them. For instance, certain necklaces use multiple stones to form one big stone and create an eye-catching centerpiece.

Some anime jewelry is centered around certain aspects of life and fantasy such as horoscopes and initials as well as the sun, moon, and stars. Collections revolve around anything from space to astrology. Anime jewelry can be incredibly interesting and entertaining to style, especially when it comes to different seasons. Depending on a person’s style, there are a plethora of ways to style this jewelry for an everyday look or specific occasions.

Although the year feels like it just started, spring technically began on March 20, 2022. The weather warming up gives people the opportunity to lose the heavy coats, scarves, and hats and instead accessorize with jewelry.


One way to style anime jewelry and make certain colors pop effortlessly is with makeup. Whether it’s the color of your eyeshadow or eyeliner, your favorite anime jewelry pieces can stand out a lot more with a little added color to enhance their beauty. For instance, if someone’s earrings are primarily pink, wearing pink eyeshadow gives individuals the opportunity to accentuate that color and bring attention to the anime jewelry they are wearing.

The color wheel is also a handy tool when it comes to trying to match your makeup to your jewelry. It’s crucial to also understand how complementary colors work when attempting to coordinate jewelry and consider contrast. If you’re styling a look with colored anime jewelry, such as blue or green earrings, it would be beneficial to pick lipstick or eyeshadow in their complementary colors: orange and red. This will make the colors of your jewelry pop and add something new to the look.

It’s also important for a person to pay attention to undertones. There are three types of undertones: cool, neutral, and warm. If a person tends to wear a lot of silver or white gold, it would be better to wear makeup that has cool undertones. However, if you wear gold and bronze jewelry, warmer tones of makeup with shades of mocha, for instance, would be best.


Spring is here and it’s time to match your spring attire with cool colors. The fresh pastels and color shades that scream spring typically look best with cool and natural colors such as blue pieces of jewelry. By mixing naturally-paired colors through clothing and jewelry, individuals give off a nature-inspired and naturally effortless look. Generally, there aren’t any unwritten rules about what pieces of jewelry pair best with certain clothing items. However, there are still some creative and staple ways to enhance anime jewelry by pairing it with certain clothing.

For instance, if someone is wearing a V-Neck sweater or short-sleeve top, a statement necklace can be used to add some pizzazz and definition to their look. High necklines, on the other hand, such as turtlenecks, look best with layered necklaces. That type of look is perfect in professional settings such as working in an office or going to a meeting. High necklines also look great with statement earrings that bring attention to a person’s face. Short-sleeve tops and tanks give individuals the perfect opportunity to show off anime jewelry such as bangles and bracelets. If you are wearing a long sleeve shirt, you can dazzle up your look by wearing rings and skipping bracelets since they most likely will be covered.


Another way to style your anime jewelry for the spring is through layering. Whether it’s layering necklaces or stacking rings, you’re able to showcase your favorite pieces of anime jewelry at the same time. However, it’s pivotal that you avoid layering too many pieces and accidentally ruin the look. When layering necklaces, for example, it’s important to consider mixing lengths as well as chains. By mixing the chain types, a person can help avoid them tangling.

When it comes to bangles and certain bracelets, you can boldly layer for a more complex look. You do not have to choose between layering bracelets vs. layering necklaces; instead you can layer both! It all depends on the person’s style and preference. Many think that if you want to look bold when it comes to your wrists, you should do the same with necklaces. Rings are another opportunity to layer different shapes and sizes so that your hands can draw attention and ultimately steal the spotlight. Whether you want to stick to one type of metal or mix them, that is completely up to you.

Anime jewelry gives people the opportunity to express themselves and make their own rules. There are a plethora of ways to style this type of jewelry and the fun part is that it’s completely up to the individual. This spring is the perfect time to try out different styles and prove that your creativity is out of this world.

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