3 Reasons Why People-Pleasing Is A Harmful Chronic Disease
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3 Reasons Why People-Pleasing Is A Harmful Chronic Disease

“How you gonna win, when you ain’t right within?” — Ms. Lauryn Hill

3 Reasons Why People-Pleasing Is A Harmful Chronic Disease

I’m never really sure if I know what I’m talking about but every now and then I get an intuitive hunch from my spirit that it’s time to speak. As a result, every now and then I find myself going on Instagram rants about all sorts of philosophical truths that randomly surface in my spirit.

I say randomly because I’m never searching for them, in fact, it’s mostly when I’m just minding my business that I feel such bubbling up.

For whatever reason, an excited me feels as if I need to instantly share this new found consciousness with my Instagram feed. Now why only Instagram and no other platform, I cannot answer, trust there are many questions to be asked. But while I’m asking — and even moreso doubting — if the content I’m creating on the fly is beneficial, I’m all the while learning that obedience is key!

And I’ll repeat: Obedience is key! Because your spirit is like this intuitive compass right? For my “Stranger Things” fans it’s always pointing you to true north and fearful or not you owe it to yourself to follow whatever path it’ll take to lead you to your gate of true self. So again, obedience is key because when your spirit starts pointing towards truth north (and you’ll know exactly what or where that is, when it’s happening) you really should follow.

I’ve been definitely tapping into my intuitive compass lately, and as a result, it has sent me on this wild goose hunt for what many would classify as being serenity, clarity, perhaps peace of mind or whatever you like to dress it up as! No matter the name, I know that I’ve been trying and failing all simultaneously, I’ve been knocking myself down and coming back up with arms swinging wildly. I’ve been fighting myself a lot, to say the least, I’m talking day in and day out. I’ve been placing all my ideologies before the magnifying glass, just to see what is true and what’s worth keeping as I continue to strive towards this higher sense of self.

While journeying, one task I’ve diligently been working on is mastering the art of being my authentic self 24/7. Elevating my spirit while keeping my soul intact … because let me tell you the pressure to impress others has been breaking my spirit DOWN. It’s such a normal thing to do, isn’t it? So much so that we rarely realize that we’re doing tasks, engaging in conversations, placing ourselves in ridiculous predicaments solely for another’s stamp of approval, pat on the back, and/or a round of applause.

WELL SAINTS, no more! Because I’ve seen the light and I know that my tunnel may be long and full of surprises but I’m not as fearful as I once was. Remembering that obedience is key when clarity strikes you must answer the call — unless you agree to remain a fool for the rest of your life.

So 3 reasons why the chronic disease of people-pleasing is harmful:

1. A-lot of people only know love based on conditions: A lot of people’s affection, love, and admiration are based on conditions that are already set up in their hearts. The minute I fail one of those conditions, I am now disposable. Well, that’s where we all have the world messed up because I am never disposable, you are never disposable, nobody is disposable. Everyone has value, value that you have had since birth… you have value, it’s already been set.

    2. If you’re running that Rat-Race (people pleasing) you will do it until the day you die, unless you decide otherwise:You will always find yourself trying to impress the next person and with each person you meet, the conditions change. One person may have an entirely different set of conditions. So who are you going to become? Someone new each day?

    3. When people-pleasing you’re robbing the earth of the glorious spark the universe has set within you. A spark that is unique to you:

    There’s a glory that has already been planted in you, why would you give that up? Why would you diminish that for somebody else? When we try to please others at our own expense we’re telling our Creator that what you’ve created just isn’t enough. I, personally cannot count how many times I’ve done this.

    Shoot, just last week I found myself portraying to be someone that I wasn’t anymore and as a result, I made a mess. All because I wanted to fill a void by pleasing others. It’s HARD WORK to remind yourself that you are enough… that God took his time with you. IT’S HARD WORK to stay faithful to the process and to get through the ebb and flows of being yourself when everything around you challenges your peace and truths.

    However, even when you find yourself tripping and falling into traps that lead to people pleasing and not the elevation of your spirit, remember

    “Though a righteous man falls seven times, he will get up, but the wicked will stumble into ruin.”- Proverb 24:16

    Though we fall, we rise again and again and again… learning more and adding more value to our spirit than we did before. So please remember who you are, work diligently to never dilute yourself for another individual and if you should fall into that “rat race” as we all do at times…. Opt out as soon as you can!


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